Tyrus wong print

Discussion in 'Art' started by Chris Mount, Dec 2, 2018.

  1. Chris Mount

    Chris Mount Getting there

    Hi ho all.
    Been a while haven't really brought much lately but without knowing who this was done by just had to buy it. One of my favourite prints if not top of the list.
    Knew nothing of tyrus until I searched online and must say what an artist.
    He doesnt have much for sale but will be keeping an eye out from now on.
    Maybe from the sixties or seventies not sure when we had 6 digit phone numbers over here.
    One question I believe it's a lithograph as there are no dots can someone confirm please.
    This is titled shangri la. Large to at 900 x 450.mm
    Hope everyone is well. 15437389701511.jpg 15437389701742.jpg 15437389700800.jpg 15437389944593.jpg 15437389945164.jpg 15437390114715.jpg 15437390115076.jpg chris
    judy and Any Jewelry like this.
  2. 2manybooks

    2manybooks Well-Known Member

    Really hard to tell the technique from the photos, as you have to look under greater magnification if it is a close call. Does any of the information you found about the artist address what techniques he originally used? From the style, it seems the original would have been an ink and watercolor drawing rather than a print.
    Jivvy likes this.
  3. Chris Mount

    Chris Mount Getting there

    Thanks 2 I will do a little more research on him. C
    i need help likes this.
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