Featured Repousse copper plaque

Discussion in 'Art' started by Ratsy Brown, Nov 2, 2021.

  1. Ratsy Brown

    Ratsy Brown Well-Known Member


    I bought a repousse copper plaque. I'm not sure how old it is or where it's from, my googling found similar results but normally just described as antique European.

    Please share your opinions.

    The copper plaque measures 8cm width x 13cm height, the frame 20cm width x 25cm height.

    Thanks PXL_20211102_152608387_compress74.jpg PXL_20211102_152622518_compress84.jpg PXL_20211102_152732141_compress93.jpg
    kyratango, johnnycb09 and lovewrens like this.
  2. Bakersgma

    Bakersgma Well-Known Member

    Does there seem to be a way to see the back without damaging the plaque?
    Ratsy Brown and judy like this.
  3. Ratsy Brown

    Ratsy Brown Well-Known Member

    Tricky. There's a pin in each corner holding it in place, but they're quite deep set. Might have a go tomorrow.
    judy likes this.
  4. Debora

    Debora Well-Known Member

    It appears to be a low relief casting rather than repoussé. And I don't see copper.

  5. Debora

    Debora Well-Known Member

    There may well be an original somewhere from which your plaque was derived. Venus Bathing or some such.

    Ratsy Brown and kyratango like this.
  6. Lithographer

    Lithographer Well-Known Member

    Looks cast to me. I am wondering if it is plated with copper. Is the white stuff polish? Looks like the corners were made separate and appear to be a different metal or gilded.
    Frame doesn’t look very old. I like it!
    Ratsy Brown, judy and kyratango like this.
  7. Bronwen

    Bronwen Well-Known Member

    This reminds me of depictions of Diana bathing with her nymphs. Does anyone happen to have a crescent moon on her head?
  8. Ratsy Brown

    Ratsy Brown Well-Known Member

    Here is a photo of the back. It looks like cast copper to me.

    The corners are rounded and filled in I think with plaster/resin.

    @Debora @Lithographer

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