Heino Tripmaker Painting-Value??

Discussion in 'Art' started by Alesia42, Jun 28, 2021.

  1. Alesia42

    Alesia42 Active Member

    Hi!...This is a Thrift miss....meaning I didn't by it....its a painting by Heino Tripmaker of South Africa, he is a artist who also studied in Europe....(via the info on the back of the painting).....the name of the painting is "Flower Market"....this painting was approx. 24in x 30in ....I don't know anything much about Art...although I did like the picture... this particular Thrift store can sometimes have extremely high prices on certain items...and for this painting they were asking a cool $300.....of which I thought was absolutely crazy....I didn't want to get taken ....so I took a couple of pics and moved on.....but....I do want to know if I missed out...so if anyone knows of this paintings value please share.....your input will be greatly appreciated....... rsz_my_new_pet-tang_horse_040.jpg rsz_my_new_pet-tang_horse_043.jpg rsz_my_new_pet-tang_horse_046.jpg
    judy likes this.
  2. David Broom

    David Broom Active Member

    I'd have nightmares if I paid $300 for this painting. That being said it's probably a reasonable retail price imo - certainly no bargain. I can't make out much on your photo of the labels - does it say where the flower market is located?
  3. Debora

    Debora Well-Known Member

    From his wikipedia.org entry, it appears he was a decorative painter. A label that reads "Original Oil Painting" is a red flag. (This is from another of his works as the labels in your photograph can't be read.)



    Screen Shot 2021-06-28 at 7.15.46 AM.png
    Last edited: Jun 28, 2021
  4. Debora

    Debora Well-Known Member

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