Outstanding Chinese Vase - Advice needed (Please!)

Discussion in 'Pottery, Glass, and Porcelain' started by 15Stiftgasse, Jun 27, 2021.

  1. 15Stiftgasse

    15Stiftgasse Well-Known Member

    Hello, after a period of illness - amongst other problems - I'm now up and running again, and looking to expand my small collection of Chinese porcelain.

    I've been offered the opportunity to purchase this quite attractive Chinese vase. It stands c.32 cm high and probably dates from the Republic period, although it bears an apocryphal Qianlong seal mark.
    It apparently depicts (according to the seller) the emperor fishing in the Wei river (?) and meeting the sage(s) at the Pan(?) brook - or something of that nature. The vase is (supposedly) in perfect condition, although I did notice the wear to the gilt on the rim.
    Anyway - In my humble amateur opinion, it appears to be quite a decent quality piece.
    HOWEVER! - the snag is - it ain't cheap ! Being 'financially challenged' and of limited experience, I would be extremely grateful to hear the opinion of any experts out there, rather than go ahead and make what could be an extremely costly financial mistake. The seller (who has inherited the vase) tells me that she is in no rush to sell, so I assume that there will be little room for manoeuvre , financially speaking.
    As the asking price is a eye-watering, groin-kicking, wallet-crushing €795, I thought it best to get the advice of the real experts before I agonize any further.
    As Hamlet once said '....To buy or not to buy, that is the question.'

    Any help or guidance will be MUCH appreciated !

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    cxgirl and judy like this.
  2. johnnycb09

    johnnycb09 Well-Known Member

    Im no expert but heres a couple of thoughts...it looks too ornate.Look at most Chinese porcelain and simplicity is the rule.That makes me think this might have been made for a western market. Also,Im not sure how much that is,but I would never splash out any large sum of cash unless I was absolutely sure what Im getting was worth it. That being said,it is a very pretty thing. Glad your feeling better . :)
  3. rink28

    rink28 Well-Known Member

    I agree with Johnny it's really too ornate plus the writing on the side kind of has the decorative feel but good quality decorative vibe. Don't think it's worth the asking price though.
    15Stiftgasse and judy like this.
  4. komokwa

    komokwa The Truth is out there...!

    As the asking price is a eye-watering, groin-kicking, wallet-crushing €795,

    Only from a known gallery or auction site, with a money back guarantee .....
    thank you very much !
    Otherwise ........................................................... no !
  5. MT Vessel

    MT Vessel Well-Known Member

    15Stiftgasse likes this.
  6. 15Stiftgasse

    15Stiftgasse Well-Known Member

    Many, many thanks indeed for all your valued opinions. It would appear that is a fairly unanimous consensus. I'll definitely give this one a wide berth. The most I've splashed out for anything in the past was a couple of hundred, and only then when I was pretty sure what I was getting. There's nothing like a seriously bad buy to dampen a collector's enthusiasm !
    Once again - thank you all very much. Not only for helping me avoid possibly the most expensive 'miss-buy' of my life, but also for helping broaden my limited knowledge of Chinese porcelain.
    cxgirl, LauraGarnet02, Hjarta and 3 others like this.
  7. sunday silence

    sunday silence Well-Known Member

    BUt MT. Doesnt your message raise more questions than answers? If authentic its really valuable. Is there anything else OP can do to determine if authentic or not?
    15Stiftgasse likes this.
  8. MT Vessel

    MT Vessel Well-Known Member

    Indeed, the OP can take the vase - or send pictures - to a reputable auction house or museum etc. for an opinion. But such establishments would have little time for anything else if most people followed this avenue because these fanciful creations are being turned out in their thousands. I belong to some discussion groups where similar concoctions are paraded daily by those who imagine that they have tumbled upon a spectacular bargain. If you study the shapes, types of decoration, glazes and other features of Asian ceramics you begin to realise that, unlike Western art, generally innovation was slow and subtle. These modern creations tend to stand out because of incongruity of form, decoration, colour palette and glazes etc. Also, modern kilns and production methods usually result in greater perfection than seen on earlier pieces, even early twentieth century.

    However, I'm not an expert and haven't handled the piece so there is always a slim possibility that I'm wrong. Really, if you are going to risk a substantial amount of money, it's best to study the subject, buy some modest, inexpensive items from an auction etc., study and to look at the offerings from established auction houses - online or in person - and develop a feel for it. Unfortunately, some of the lower tier auctions happily put fakes through their rooms so one must exercise caution.
  9. sunday silence

    sunday silence Well-Known Member

    OK yes. Thank you for a much more elaborate opinion. Now I understand where you are coming from. thanks
    15Stiftgasse and MT Vessel like this.
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