Is this ginger jar old? pattern?

Discussion in 'Pottery, Glass, and Porcelain' started by OldWhitby, Jun 24, 2021.

  1. OldWhitby

    OldWhitby Anything Old

    This ginger jar is very clean and I've always assumed that it was of recent manufacture. However I recently examined it more closely and found very slight variations in the pattern which would likely indicate it is hand painted. I also discovered a break in the lid which has been repaired such that it is hard to see unless you get the light just right which suggests somebody thought it was important enough to repair it.
    Also - Is there a name for for the pattern? I've seen it on other pieces.
    It is porcelain, 3.5" high.

    Image234.jpg Image235.jpg Image236.jpg Image237.jpg Image238.jpg Image239.jpg Image240.jpg Image241.jpg Image244.jpg
  2. Ce BCA

    Ce BCA Well-Known Member

    It takes the design style from an original Ming chrysanthemum design. They have been reproduced for so long that some reproductions are now over 200 years old. They are difficult to date without handling, but it is certainly a 20th century example and most likely post war.
    John Brassey and laura9797 like this.
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