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Old chair

Discussion in 'Furniture' started by Cathy Killeen, Oct 19, 2018.

  1. Cathy Killeen

    Cathy Killeen New Member

    Hi I have this chair I want to sell it but don’t know how to describe it or how much I can get for it ...I would be grateful for any insight I’m clueless

    Attached Files:

  2. judy

    judy Well-Known Member

    Welcome to Antiquers Cathy!

    Those in the know will be along sooner or later.

    My thought is a non-carved balloon back.....but wait for the furniture people to respond.
  3. James Conrad

    James Conrad Well-Known Member

    I am goin with @judy on this one! Victorian era balloon back dining chair. Value i have no idea, not a lot for a single chair in today's market, generally speaking single chairs are a tough sell, wait for others to post.
    Figtree3 and i need help like this.
  4. James Conrad

    James Conrad Well-Known Member

    i need help, judy and KikoBlueEyes like this.
  5. Cathy Killeen

    Cathy Killeen New Member

    Thanks you Judy!
    i need help, judy and James Conrad like this.
  6. Cathy Killeen

    Cathy Killeen New Member

    i need help and James Conrad like this.
  7. silverthwait

    silverthwait Well-Known Member

    It is a shame that single chairs don't get much reward. Now that one would be just perfect at milady's dressing table. Or desk. Or in the hall next to the table-with-mirror. Etc.!!!
    judy and KikoBlueEyes like this.
  8. KikoBlueEyes

    KikoBlueEyes Well-Known Member

    James Thanks for this link. Next month, I will be looking for a Chippendale style (?) side chair to replace my mid century reproduction of same. I want better wood, carving etc. but with the same type of ball and claw feet. I like your links because the market is overwhelming, and I need help refining my search to sites that actually have might have antiques, though I can't afford a real Chippendale, I can afford something made in an era of more quality work than I have. When I am ready to pull the trigger, I hope you can help me in my search. Kiko
    i need help, judy and James Conrad like this.
  9. verybrad

    verybrad Well-Known Member

    Here in the Midwest, we sell antique single chairs for $40.00 maximum at retail. Most are $30.00 or less. Often have to go half price to sell many. Your market may be better (or worse).
  10. KikoBlueEyes

    KikoBlueEyes Well-Known Member

    Hmmm. Too bad I live in California.
    i need help and judy like this.
  11. KikoBlueEyes

    KikoBlueEyes Well-Known Member

    Thanks for bringing this interesting chair forward
    i need help and judy like this.
  12. James Conrad

    James Conrad Well-Known Member

    Well, the OP chair is a dining chair so not many are in the market a single chair, they are looking for sets, 4-6-8 chairs. Who wants a single dining chair? Makes sense to me why they sell for less.
  13. James Conrad

    James Conrad Well-Known Member

    Not a problem! specializes in this sort of thing.
    judy and KikoBlueEyes like this.
  14. silverthwait

    silverthwait Well-Known Member

    Dear James, Use your imagination! Unless one is outfitting a Victorian dining room, (in which case one would need 8 to 12 chairs (or more), the OP's chair works very well as a singleton -- even in ultra modern surroundings. Picture it behind a perfectly plain, white table-desk. :)
    judy and James Conrad like this.
  15. James Conrad

    James Conrad Well-Known Member

    LOL, OK, have it your way, I am easy! I am not a dealer so just repeating what they tell me so I/they could be wrong. Still, the word is, for a single chair it needs to be a statement type piece for it to have much value.
    KikoBlueEyes likes this.
  16. KikoBlueEyes

    KikoBlueEyes Well-Known Member

    Ah. Since I am looking for a single chair to put in front of my built in secretary, which I use, I should look for a "statement piece" James?
    judy likes this.
  17. James Conrad

    James Conrad Well-Known Member

    Wouldn't hurt! Statement pieces are a single piece of furniture that stands alone, like a Mission morris chair by a tiffany type reading lamp or a QA/chippendale chair by a fireplace for instance.
    KikoBlueEyes and judy like this.
  18. Cathy Killeen

    Cathy Killeen New Member

    Thank you ...I think our market is probably worse ...
    judy likes this.
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