Featured Painted Silk -India/Pichvai?Antique or Recent?

Discussion in 'Art' started by Alesia42, Jun 8, 2021.

  1. Alesia42

    Alesia42 Active Member

    This is a painting on silk that I am thinking of purchasing...but I don't know anything much about paintings from India or the stories/history behind the Art...it has a couple of tears in the fabric...but other than that it appears to be in good condition....I hoping that someone can tell me if this silk is antique, vintage....or more recent rsz_chinese_antique_funiture_and_republic_vase_081.jpg rsz_chinese_antique_funiture_and_republic_vase_083.jpg rsz_chinese_antique_funiture_and_republic_vase_085.jpg rsz_chinese_antique_funiture_and_republic_vase_082.jpg rsz_chinese_antique_funiture_and_republic_vase_087.jpg
  2. Any Jewelry

    Any Jewelry Well-Known Member

    Yes, it is a pichwai, from Rajasthan, NW India, although not made for a temple.
    It is nice, but not all that old. Second half of the 20th century imo. I saw a lot of these imported from India in the 1970s, they were the ideal decor for the better Indian restaurants.
    The scene is Lord Krishna and the Gopis, or milkmaids. Are you sure it is painted on silk? Most of these are painted on cotton.
    It is a pity it has had such a hard life. You can get similar paintings of the same age without the tears. You can also get very nice new ones.
    Last edited: Jun 8, 2021
    komokwa, 2manybooks, Bronwen and 4 others like this.
  3. Alesia42

    Alesia42 Active Member

    Thank you for the information!.....The guy was trying to sell it for several hundred dollar$....and I thought it was way too pricey for me....not to mention that I know very little about this type of art....the same Antique shop tried to sell me a African mask for $100....I laughed when I flipped it over and it said 8W....which is Thrift store short hand that means $8...white tag...(too funny!)....although he tried his best to tell me that the person that they got the mask from had traveled the world.....I said yes....by way of the Salvation Army Thrift store......Buyer beware
    Last edited: Jun 8, 2021
    Any Jewelry likes this.
  4. Any Jewelry

    Any Jewelry Well-Known Member

    Good that you asked first. There are people who just buy because they believe a good story.
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