Hello, I just found this website. Kinda stumbled upon it. Looking for answer's on a similar piece I saw on bing search. I sell on Poshmark and have been selling for a few years. I am learning as I go. So I am always searching the web for answers. Thank you for allowing me in your community. I will post the piece I am trying to find information on. Hope you all have a great day https://poshmark.com/listing/Stunni...-of-opals-and-silver-60b526d1f470e2182d2cd5c0 Thank you in advance if you have any information on this piece.
@Carmelita Cardosa Are you looking for info on the necklace in your link? The opal & sterling from Mexico? I don't know anything, but that latch/fastener is pretty unusual. Gorgeous piece! Have you checked the back of each piece of it for other marks?
Looks like glass opal to me rather than precious opal. The sterling marks look legit but I wouldn't throw that sort of money at it until @Ownedbybear or @Any Jewelry got a good look. I'm no opal expert, but I've seen a lot of glass and synthetic ones in Mexican jewelry and few if any real ones.
It is similar in many ways to the one kikoblueeyes posted some time ago & that one definitely has glass stones. https://www.antiquers.com/threads/mexican-silver-jewelry-opalescent-cabochons-age.44014/
The stones are typical for Mexican jewelry. Foil glass "opals", not precious opals but glass stones made to mimic precious opals.
It's still not quite clear what OP is trying to find out. They wrote in KikoBlueEyes's older thread (here) that they have "just purchased" the necklace, but their link is to an item currently being offered for sale by "Carmelita @ccardosa0330" with a description that includes "opal stones". Given what people who know about these things have written in both threads, OP might want to consider a more cautious approach to marketing this piece.
IMO the price is an insult for glass although great had it been opal. The design reminds me of a love child of Pineda and Martinez. Pretty piece.
Definitely agree. I respect that anyone can ask anything for their items regardless of being realistic of value but what they cannot do is to misrepresent what they’re selling on the internet and if that is a Mexican costume piece (although it is set in sterling and is very attractive) the description needs to be changed. IMO half would be a healthy price and I know we’re not supposed to discuss values so let me know if I should delete that statement.