Featured Australian carnival glass “doe” kangaroo “fernless bottom” master bowl set.

Discussion in 'Pottery, Glass, and Porcelain' started by Miscstuff, Aug 12, 2018.

  1. Miscstuff

    Miscstuff Sometimesgetsitright

    I'm going to stop whining about not finding anything in the thrift shops
    now that I've found the equivalent of almost 1Kg of silver for $10.
    Strictly speaking this should be in the finds section but I wanted
    to make sure the search engines picked up the “fernless” images as
    I had great difficulty in my online search of this set. Most of these
    kangaroo Master bowls as they are known have a fern decoration underneath
    but it turns out there is a rarer version with a plain bottom such as mine.
    There are two basic types. One has a branch under the feet and is known as
    the Doe and one doesn't and is known as the Buck version. The smaller
    bowls are known by the uninspiring name “nappy” bowls.:eek:


    1.JPG 2s.jpg 4s.jpg 5.JPG 6.JPG
    Christmasjoy, dgbjwc, Bronwen and 6 others like this.
  2. Any Jewelry

    Any Jewelry Well-Known Member

    Lovely, Stephen, a very nice find for au$10.
    Nappy bowls because of the napkin draped shape, I think. Like a table napkin or serviette, not the other kind.;)
    Or maybe they lined them with a serviette before putting in an individual side serving of bread. Or am I being too fancy?
  3. ola402

    ola402 Well-Known Member

    Very nice! I think it's interesting that your master bowl appears to have a Registry number in the glass just below the Kangaroo. Doty's site has some info on this pattern, which I assume you've seen but I'll link to it for any others to see since there doesn't seem to be a search feature on that site any longer.

  4. Miscstuff

    Miscstuff Sometimesgetsitright

    FYI Rd4696 was registered in 1924

    Cited from
    • Kingfisher on 4th January 1923 Regd No. 4184
    • Kangaroo on 15th January 1924 Regd No. 4696
    • Swan on 15th January 1924 Regd No. 4697
    • Emu on 14th November 1924 Regd No. 40360
    • Kookaburra on 14th November 1924 Regd No. 40361
    • Magpie on 14th November 1924 Regd No. 40363
    • Waratah on 14th November 1924 Regd No. 40364
    • Kiwi on 19th April 1926 Regd No. 44289
  5. Robert Moon

    Robert Moon New Member

    I’m sorry to jump in on this with something that isn’t relevant to what you’re talking about. I’m new on here I’m trying to figure out how it works. Somebody named Peter sent me an email right when I first started out welcome me to the site. I responded several times and I’ve never gotten any reply. I don’t know who to talk to to get somebody to answer me. If you guys do please send them to my inbox so I can figure out what’s going on. This is driving me crazy. I have no clue how to post only how to comment on somebody else’s post. Thank you.
  6. Any Jewelry

    Any Jewelry Well-Known Member

    That is quite all right Robert, I remember this happens sometimes. One of the moderators, @daveydempsey or @Bookahtoo will explain and can probably help you.

    Welcome to the forum!
    i need help, Christmasjoy and judy like this.
  7. judy

    judy Well-Known Member

    Welcome to Antiquers Robert!
    i need help and Christmasjoy like this.
  8. daveydempsey

    daveydempsey Moderator Moderator

    Welcome Robert, Peter`s email is automated so you won`t get any replies, it is to confirm your registration.
    I notice your registration IP is different from your content IP.
    Maybe you used a different device to register.
    Your account has yet to be confirmed
    Any Jewelry, i need help and judy like this.
  9. Robert Moon

    Robert Moon New Member


    I’m confused how are they different? I’ve got a lot going on so I’m not even sure how my account was supposed to be confirmed. What is it supposed to go to an email? Maybe I’m going to have to re-register
    judy likes this.
  10. Figtree3

    Figtree3 What would you do if you weren't afraid?

    @Robert Moon , yes the confirmation was supposed to go to email. Somewhere @daveydempsey did a post about things to try in order to find it. However, it is in the Support and Testing section, which may or may not be visible if you are not confirmed. Can you see this thread? http://www.antiquers.com/threads/registration-confirmation.25219/

    Looking in the spam folder has worked for some people but not others. I'm not sure of the meaning of different IP addresses for sign up and content. Maybe your ISP reassigns IPs each time you use a device?

    If you sign up again you would have to use a different email address and user name, I believe.
  11. fenton

    fenton Well-Known Member

    Figtree3 likes this.
  12. daveydempsey

    daveydempsey Moderator Moderator

    Content IP ip-99-203-17-159.pools.cgn.spcsdns.net

    User Registration IP ip-99-203-17-234.pools.spcsdns.net

    The forum software automatically sends the request for email confirmation when a new member registers. And if that member ask that another request for confirmation be sent to them because they didn't get the 1st one, then the software automatically sends you another one. Point is - the emails are sent !

    But here's the issue - if you didn't get the 1st one, you're not going to get any others either. And this applies to everyone who has this problem.

    What happens is this. The emails are being sent to you, but they are simply not getting to you. Why ? There are several possible reasons.
    1 - the emails may be in your SPAM folder.
    2 - your email provider may be blocking emails from Antiquers because they think the emails are SPAM.
    3 - the email program (software) that you use may be blocking emails from Antiquers because that program thinks the emails are SPAM.
    4 - you may inadvertently be the reason yourself because of the settings you are using on your email program.
    5 - it may be the anti-virus or security software you are using, and or the settings you chose when you set that program up.

    Any and all of these may be the reason the emails do not get to you. And not a single one of them have anything to do with Antiquers, nor can the Antiquers staff do anything to correct the problem because quite simply - we do not have any control over any of that.

    The only person who can fix the problem is you, the member, the person who is having the problem. And if the problem is being caused by reason #2 or #3 even you can't fix it because you don't have any control over those. But you can fix the problem if any of the other 3 are the cause. And no, I can't help you figure it out - only you have ability to figure it out because only you have access to all the settings you have to check to be able to figure it out.

    But what you can do is this - you can choose to use Gmail, Hotmail, Yahoo - they all work. Members who use them do not have problems getting emails from Antiquers.

    And if you don't like having more than 1 email address to check every day well that's pretty easy to manage too. Just have emails sent to your new email address forwarded to the email address you like to use. Then all your emails end up in one place.
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