Featured Need help on a Tiffany Studio Floor Lamp

Discussion in 'Furniture' started by jingyel, Mar 30, 2021.

  1. komokwa

    komokwa The Truth is out there...!

    I've left u alone....... u should consider leaving me alone......:meh:
    BoudiccaJones and Rays123 like this.
  2. wiscbirddog

    wiscbirddog Well-Known Member

    I truly believe that people would not have done as much searching and offering of opinions/suggestions for selling IF they weren't lead to believe that the OP owned the lamp. Big waste of time for several people.
  3. komokwa

    komokwa The Truth is out there...!

    &....... folks here.....at least.....deserve to be told.... up front..... if the item is yours or not !!
    Bakersgma, judy, Ghopper1924 and 2 others like this.
  4. James Conrad

    James Conrad Well-Known Member

    Indeed, as someone who often reaches for objects at auction that are beyond my means unless a miracle happens, I usually start the thread with the disclaimer that the object is going on the sale block and a link to the sale site.
    It would have been courteous to know that upfront so everyone is on the same page.
  5. Robert Ransom

    Robert Ransom Well-Known Member

  6. Robert Ransom

    Robert Ransom Well-Known Member

    There is a cap missing.
    gregsglass likes this.
  7. gregsglass

    gregsglass Well-Known Member

    Hi Robert,
    I agree.
  8. Robert Ransom

    Robert Ransom Well-Known Member

    What triggered my curiosity was the company marking on the inside lower band of the shade. It didn't look correct for such a high end lamp as I indicated in my first post. There isn't as much info. available on markings as one would think and most are a stamped impressions. This shade has soldered-on bosses which does not show up in any reference I could find. There are supposed to be a couple different bases.
    komokwa likes this.
  9. jingyel

    jingyel Well-Known Member

    Hello All, First I appreciate all the feedback and knowledge sharing. For my part, I shall make it clear it was upcoming auction, and I want to get some expert opinion from this forum. As reward, I provided actual picture of this unusual item from real estate and final market price realized. I think this topic is still interesting and beneficial to most audience.
    BoudiccaJones, komokwa and bluumz like this.
  10. bluumz

    bluumz Quite Busy

    I, too, thought that OP using the word "found" meant it was now his/hers, and have been watching this thread with excited interest. After all, we have a long-running "Finds" thread that people use to show their "finds"... stuff they now own. And don't we all live for fantastic "finds" like this?
    It IS rather deflating to discover that OP merely saw it for sale somewhere. :rolleyes:
    Nice eye candy, nonetheless.
  11. komokwa

    komokwa The Truth is out there...!

    english is a strange language.......:confused:

    I'm sure the next time you ask for information on an item, you will let us know if you own it.....or are just wanting to know more about something you are interested in...;).:):):)
    Rays123, judy, Ghopper1924 and 2 others like this.
  12. Robert Ransom

    Robert Ransom Well-Known Member

    How many hours did you spend attempting to help identify the authenticity. I spent 5-6 hours searching for data and am not pleased to find out my effort was for an item the OP never possessed or considered purchasing.
  13. Ladybub

    Ladybub Member

    I certainly did not spend much time on this particular item but I have on others. Still -- Speaking for myself and possibly others, I appreciate what I learned from your efforts and other knowledgeable people and it doesn't make a darned bit of difference if the OP owned the piece or was just gathering opinions and information.
  14. Rays123

    Rays123 Member

    Maybe "it doesn't make a darned bit of difference" to you; but it does makes a difference to others.
  15. Robert Ransom

    Robert Ransom Well-Known Member

    What I learned from this thread is surprising. The sites profess to be able to help identify Tiffany items, specifically lamps (real and fake), and leave me wondering how parroting each other provides usable data. I found one table lamp fake/real comparison and size was the factor, however there may be more. Variations of the lamp base were cited without showing examples. As far as markings are concerned, there are 4-5 examples, most of which are similar. I did not find an example of the OP's stamping. I think I recall all of the sites stating you should contact a professional.
    I did find what I feel is an anomaly in the materials used in the OP's lamp shade: The mismatched skirt glass components.

    Notice the variations of the glass elements used on the skirt. My non-expert opinion is the lamp is a fake which begs the question: Were any of the bidders knowledgeable Tiffany experts? Sometimes the smallest detail is the most important. Unfortunately, we will never know whether the lamp is a real Tiffany.
    PS. There are articles about the "Experts" getting fooled by good fakes which makes me wonder about the auction itself because of the place where the item was placed when photographed. Just saying...
    Last edited: Apr 2, 2021
    komokwa and Ladybub like this.
  16. Ladybub

    Ladybub Member

    I can see that; but will not ever understand your attitude toward someone who was only garnering information about an item you all profess to be knowledgeable about. Just how did he waste your time.
  17. Ladybub

    Ladybub Member

    Yes. My opinion was it is a bit rough looking for a Tiffany. LOL. That was the extent of my time commitment. I have learned from your thorough and detailed observation. I hope the OP does as well.
    Robert Ransom likes this.
  18. Rays123

    Rays123 Member

    He wasted my time because he implied that he had purchased the lamp and wanted to know its value. So I searched the net and found two almost identical examples of the lamp (provided the links and prices) and also found a way for him to get in touch with Christies to have it authenticated for free and get an appraisal value (provided him with the link). I would have never bothered if he hadn't implied he had purchased the lamp. I was actually very happy for him because I thought he had found a bargain and told him that I thought maybe he had hit the jackpot. Is this enough for you? Or are you just going to keep arguing with people until they completely ignore you as I will do from this point on.
  19. Ladybub

    Ladybub Member

    You had my empathy up until "Is this enough for you......Deleted . Thank you for ignoring me.
    Last edited by a moderator: Apr 2, 2021
  20. i need help

    i need help Moderator Moderator

    The Insults must STOP, NOW!
    This Forum encourages differing opinions when laid forth in a Respectful Manner.
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