Identification help, Bronze Bell from Spain?

Discussion in 'Metalware' started by SimonK, Mar 22, 2021.

  1. SimonK

    SimonK New Member

    B1.JPG B2.JPG B3.JPG B4.JPG Hi guys,

    This item I bought from an antique shop in Lima, Peru.

    I paid USD600 for it, now I think I probably paid too much without knowing much about it.

    Please help with this item, the seller mentioned it looks like people riding a horse with other animals like ducks. But I can't read Spanish circling around the lower end of the bell.
    Last edited by a moderator: Mar 22, 2021
  2. KikoBlueEyes

    KikoBlueEyes Well-Known Member

    Hi there. I know nothing that can help you, but why do you think it is a bell? I don't see the place where the clapper was attached. Is it supposed to be struck? If so, I think there would be evidence of this and I don't see it. I am just interested and have many questions. Hopefully, a member who knows something will be able to help you.
    Bakersgma and antidiem like this.
  3. antidiem

    antidiem Well-Known Member

    I have never seen a bell before with no handle to hang it or hold it, and I don't see much, if anything, to have ever held a clacker on inside with?

    I would want my money back.. :(
    Fid likes this.
  4. Debora

    Debora Well-Known Member

    It certainly doesn't look like a bell. Perhaps a small mortar? The text might help. Would you transcribe it for us please? Or post good quality close-up photographs of it in its entirety?

    I would be a bit concerned about the quality of the casting and the fact that the antique dealer was unable to provide more detailed information.


  5. antidiem

    antidiem Well-Known Member


    I don't see actual 'age' on this piece, just looks like artificially aged patina on copper with some stress fractures that seem to show from the interior. None of this is any indication of authentic antique age that I can see.
    Tanya, Fid and KikoBlueEyes like this.
  6. KikoBlueEyes

    KikoBlueEyes Well-Known Member

    I share @antidiem’s concerns. Did you pay by credit card? If you decide you were scammed, then here is my suggestion (it worked for me)
    1. Notify your bank that the item was not as described- a bell
    2. Write an email or letter to the seller saying you want to return it because it was not as advertised- a bell. Provide a specific time frame for their response
    3. Return the item to them after the specified time period This may cost you something but better than $600.
    4. Dispute the charge with your credit card company. They will see you made an attempt to resolve the matter and you no longer have possession of the disputed item
    good luck.
    Iouri and antidiem like this.
  7. wiscbirddog

    wiscbirddog Well-Known Member

    Caveat emptor

    Was this purchased thru an online auction place like eBay? Your comment about buying it from an antique shop in Lima makes it sound like you made the purchase in person.
    komokwa and KikoBlueEyes like this.
  8. komokwa

    komokwa The Truth is out there...!

    Please tell us the name of the shop in Lima...... so we can avoid it like Covid !
    kyratango and KikoBlueEyes like this.
  9. Ce BCA

    Ce BCA Well-Known Member

    Did the shop not give any more detail about it? Looks like I can see 'qui' (who) unless it carries on as quixote of course.
    KikoBlueEyes likes this.
  10. komokwa

    komokwa The Truth is out there...!

    for 6 bills.....i'd want written docs.....authenticated.....and a Zinger in the back room!!!:hungry:
    kyratango likes this.
  11. antidiem

    antidiem Well-Known Member


    Kiko's suggestion was excellent, thank you Kiko! :joyful::kiss:
    KikoBlueEyes likes this.
  12. 2manybooks

    2manybooks Well-Known Member

    Before returning the piece, it might be worth exploring the possibility that it is a cup rather than a bell. Native Peruvian cultures made beakers called "keros" when made of wood, or "aquillas" when made of metal, in somewhat the same shape as your object. They were used for ceremonially drinking chicha, an alcoholic drink made from corn. Some aquillas have faces that appear upright when the cup is stored mouth down, so the designs on your object may have been intended to display in the same way. Based on the decoration and lettering, yours would not be pre-columbian, of course, but might be from the colonial period (or later).

    Please post a transcription or detailed photos of the text, as @Debora has suggested. That may clear things up.

    When I am back at my computer rather than my phone I will post some links and pictures of keros/aquillas.
    antidiem and Bakersgma like this.
  13. Debora

    Debora Well-Known Member

    Took the liberty. A lovely Pre-Colombian example (in silver) from The Denver Art Museum.


    2manybooks likes this.
  14. 2manybooks

    2manybooks Well-Known Member

  15. komokwa

    komokwa The Truth is out there...!

    an interesting take on the item..!!
    2manybooks likes this.
  16. Debora

    Debora Well-Known Member

    I suspect the text will answer lots of questions.

    2manybooks likes this.
  17. KikoBlueEyes

    KikoBlueEyes Well-Known Member

    Thank you Anti. I try to be very careful but I was scammed and I was mad.
    antidiem and komokwa like this.
  18. antidiem

    antidiem Well-Known Member

    Indeed. If I were told this was an antique bronze bell and it's not, then I would want my money back. It appears to have more copper than bronze too, not that I would drink out of either metal - I would not.

    Lovely, indeed!

    I'm sorry, but I just don't see a lot of quality or age in your cup, which is likely a mixture of metals.
    KikoBlueEyes likes this.
  19. SimonK

    SimonK New Member

    C1.JPG C2.JPG C3.JPG C4.JPG C5.JPG C6.JPG C7.JPG C8.JPG C9.JPG thanks all of you for the help.

    I have tried to upload better photos.

    Hope these will solve the mystery.
    Last edited by a moderator: Mar 26, 2021
    komokwa and KikoBlueEyes like this.
  20. 2manybooks

    2manybooks Well-Known Member

    @SimonK - Please, if you can still edit your post, please click on Full Size for the images. It will make it easier for people to see.
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