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Belgian Sideboard / Buffet Help

Discussion in 'Furniture' started by Sundance1908, Mar 16, 2021.

  1. Sundance1908

    Sundance1908 New Member

    Sideboard_(1).png Sideboard_(2).png Sideboard_(3).png Sideboard_(4).png Sideboard_(5).png Sideboard_(7).png Sideboard_(6).png Looking to identify the time period on this piece. I realize it may not be an antique, but looking for any help.

    • Made by "Kunstmeubelen de puydt"
    • Name on label - Model, Builder, Inspector?
    • Number on label - Model, Piece number?
    • Solid wood
    • Drawers with cutout slides and dovetailed, back piece dovetailed as well
    • Metal swing-up drawer stops on back of drawers
    • Knobs have no screws holding them
    • Two doors are mortise and tenon with dowel joined
    • Brass "pin hinges"
    • Top is joined by dovetail it appears as well
    • Stamped numbering on the back leg - 33 and an 8 below that (year / month?)
    • Stain on the outside only, not inside, not sure if original
    • 58.5" wide, 21.5" deep, 37" tall

    Any help would be appreciated.

    Last edited by a moderator: Mar 16, 2021
    komokwa likes this.
  2. Sundance1908

    Sundance1908 New Member

    Correction on the top - the top is not dovetailed - the top side pieces are. The top is on metal brackets.

    More photos at:
  3. Sundance1908

    Sundance1908 New Member

    Update: Discovered that the company was founded in 1960 and went bankrupt in 1997. So this piece is not older than 1960.
  4. Any Jewelry

    Any Jewelry Well-Known Member

    Welcome Sundance.
    I would guess this shop in Boechout, Belgium:
    So it was part of an order by van Pee.
    I just discovered the same.;) The label is also very 60s, but could have been used later as well.
  5. Fid

    Fid Well-Known Member

    first time I see Belgian furniture apart from empty Geuze barrels.:)

    gezondheit !
  6. Any Jewelry

    Any Jewelry Well-Known Member

    gezondheid, with a d at the end.:) Or op je/uw gezondheid, proost, santé.
  7. Marie Forjan

    Marie Forjan Well-Known Member

    Hi, I hope you don't mind but the 1st photo is a bit hard to see, I've lightened it :)
    Sundance1908 likes this.
  8. Sundance1908

    Sundance1908 New Member

    I've discovered a lot of speculation based on the company name or the label itself. I'm certain it isn't an antique based on the fact that I discovered the company was founded in 1960 and went bankrupt in 1997.

    Curious if anyone can tell me about the style - the drawer stopper for instance - does it have a period... etc...
  9. Sundance1908

    Sundance1908 New Member

    So initially I read the label as "voiu pee" and discovered that didn't work well in Dutch (look it up for a laugh). A Belgium group told me it was likely Van Pee and was a last name - could be customer, builder, or most likely inspector. Who knows.

    I know it isn't an antique - not a worry. I am still interested in the company and the general thoughts on the construction. It seems hand-assembled, but possibly machine-made - not sure. The dovetails on the shelves do look pretty symmetrical.
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