1820 Spanish Silver Dollar (Piece of Eight)

Discussion in 'Silver' started by Shangas, Jun 24, 2018.

  1. Shangas

    Shangas Underage Antiques Collector and Historian

    Bought at the market today. Hope it's the real McCoy. It's a bit worn, but I don't see anything overtly suspicious. The lady I got it from is a regular dealer and her husband is a coin-collector who does fairs etc all over the world, so I reckon I'm in safe hands. I've weighed the coin and magneted-it and everything seems to come up heads...

    Po801.jpg Po802.jpg
    judy likes this.
  2. daveydempsey

    daveydempsey Moderator Moderator

    Mexico 8 Reales, Mexico mint.
    Should weigh 27.07 grams and no more.
    Cleaned and dinged.
    Hope you didn`t pay too much.
    Christmasjoy, Any Jewelry and judy like this.
  3. Shangas

    Shangas Underage Antiques Collector and Historian

    Hi Dave,

    Yes I know what the weight is and I'm confident this is genuine. It's a fraction underweight, but I'm not bothered by that. It's not overweight, but weighs slightly more than my other coin (which I know is genuine for sure).

    The cleaning doesn't bother me so long as I know it's authentic. I did wonder about the dent, but I figure that's part of its history :) But thanks for the breakdown and the opinion, much appreciated.

    And no, I paid about 1/3 less than what I did for my first one, so I'm happy about that. I guess the reduced price was due to its condition.
    Christmasjoy likes this.
  4. Shangas

    Shangas Underage Antiques Collector and Historian

    Just for my own peace-of-mind, I took this to a local coin-dealer I know. It took him all of half a minute to confirm it as the genuine article.

    I also showed him a 1896 Russian rouble I picked up recently, and he declared it to be the real-deal, too. He also said that it was rare for its size. I'm not sure how true that is, but hey...that's pretty neat.
    Figtree3 likes this.
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