Trying to determine artist / age of picture

Discussion in 'Art' started by Charlotte Story, Feb 14, 2021.

  1. Charlotte Story

    Charlotte Story New Member

  2. Debora

    Debora Well-Known Member

  3. Charlotte Story

    Charlotte Story New Member

    Thanks Debora!!
    Debora likes this.
  4. blooey

    blooey Well-Known Member

    I thought it was a painting depicting the arrival of a naked Santa Claus and a failsafe to keep him warm when he delivered the prezzies.
    anundverkaufen likes this.
  5. komokwa

    komokwa The Truth is out there...!

    The Quaker by Andrew Wyeth Collotype by Triton Press

    Andrew Wyeth Metropolitan Exhibition in 1976. After the close of the show it was agreed to issue a special Collotype of one painting, THE QUAKER. Andrew Wyeth considered this to be one of his best paintings. The Director of the Met, worked with Triton Press to bring about a faithful image with Wyeth approving every stage. Each print was then fitted into a exact copy of the original frame. There is a blind embossed Triton logo in the lower left corner of the print, which guarantees the absolute authenticity.
    blooey, Debora and anundverkaufen like this.
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