Questions about silverware dessert set, thanks!

Discussion in 'Silver' started by kentworld, Jan 21, 2021.

  1. kentworld

    kentworld Well-Known Member

    Oh, I am making my very slow way through years of my own accumulation. We had new flooring installed last October and now that I'm retired, it is my job to move back all the stuff I had to store. This necessitates sorting and cleaning and putting back what I want to keep. All this means that I'll be popping in now and then with questions. I will try to sell locally what I can and thrift the rest. DH has been patient, but...:bored:

    So this boxed set of 6 knives and forks (about 7" long) were either a wedding gift to my Mom or came from my grandmother. I think it is a dessert set. It is EPNS with the initials AF which I guess is the manufacturer. The handles are wither MOP or plastic imitation (which is what I think).

    Questions: Is it a dessert set, anyone know who AF might be, approximate age, and plastic or MOP?

    Thanks for any information!
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  2. vitry-le-francois

    vitry-le-francois Well-Known Member

    Electro-Plate Nickel Silver. I believe they are probably real MOP. AF is the maker: Probably Alfred Fuller. Just a guess, though :)
    kentworld likes this.
  3. vitry-le-francois

    vitry-le-francois Well-Known Member

    Oh, I forgot, look for a mark on the metal part where is connects to the blade. It could be sterling
    kentworld likes this.
  4. kentworld

    kentworld Well-Known Member

    Thank you, Vitry! I shall Google Alfred Fuller and check the ferrule.
  5. Ownedbybear

    Ownedbybear Well-Known Member

    Those wooden boxes are generally pre WW2, as is that interior style with the retainers. Could be dessert, could also be a first course set. If the handles are MOP, rather than plastic, then also more likely to be 20s or 30s ish. I can't find AF. Silver ferrules are often unmarked, too small.
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