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Anyone know anything about this large upright Chest?

Discussion in 'Furniture' started by stocker08, Oct 6, 2020.

  1. Northern Lights Lodge

    Northern Lights Lodge Well-Known Member

    A very cool piece!
    Depends on where the chunk is missing but I've used beeswax+crayons to make the right shade and fill with that. It seems to hold up surprisingly well. I've used tape to box it in and then used layers of paper towels and an iron to melt it to the right shape.

    Cheerio, Leslie
    Aquitaine, TraceyB and Figtree3 like this.
  2. stocker08

    stocker08 Member

    It was seriously chalky. The dirt that came off it was shocking.
    TraceyB and i need help like this.
  3. stocker08

    stocker08 Member

    It's mostly around the top where there's some splintered parts. I'll have to look into the beeswax/crayons idea. Wood filler is convenient...but shades are limited. I doesn't have to be perfect.

    The entire back piece has been removed. I'm going to replace it. Was simply in too poor of shape.
    TraceyB and i need help like this.
  4. stocker08

    stocker08 Member

    Long process. I decided to completely sand the entire thing head to toe. Took a long time by hand....but it looks a whole lot cleaner. I've been filling over the past few weeks as I've gone along. These spots will be noticeable....but better than being splintered and chipped. So finish filling and sanding before a thorough cleaning. I considered options to better blend the wood fill, but I am not planning to stain the wood. So I think it's something that I'll just have to deal with.

    Finally I've debated whether to finish it with with something like the tung oil that was recommended earlier in the thread....or simply use Howard Feed 'N Wax.
    TraceyB likes this.
  5. stocker08

    stocker08 Member

    Sorry, I'm a novice. Sounds like now that I sanded the entire thing....that I should finish it with something. So I think I'll go with the tung oil and hope for the best.
    Ghopper1924, verybrad and TraceyB like this.
  6. TraceyB

    TraceyB Well-Known Member

    I love that you have put so much work into restoring this piece that belonged to your Aunt. Once finished you will have an enormous sense of satisfaction and a piece of furniture that will bring you a lot of joy. Great job and good on you :happy:
  7. Ghopper1924

    Ghopper1924 Well-Known Member

    What TraceyB said. Very industrious of you!!!
  8. stocker08

    stocker08 Member

    I am ready to apply the tung oil. Seems like there are lots of different opinions on it however. Number of coats. How much to cut it with (mineral spirits) for each coat (more for the earlier coats so that it penetrates the wood). Whether you are supposed to sand after each coat.

    Got any advice here? I am starting with 100% Pure Tung Oil.
    TraceyB likes this.
  9. verybrad

    verybrad Well-Known Member

    I have used straight tung oil before but prefer an equal mixture of tung oil, mineral spirits, and oil based varnish. The varnish helps drying times and builds up quicker, needing fewer coats. If using just tung oil, you might want to cut it by 1/3 to 1/2 to aid penetration. What ever mixture you use, apply with a cotton rag. You really should not need to sand between coats unless you are getting a lot of debris in the finish (use a tack cloth or mineral spirits soaked rag to clean the piece thoroughly before starting). Number of coats will depend on how much is being absorbed in the wood. Expect a minimum of 3. Once the final coat has dried, go over the piece lightly with very fine steel wool and apply a coat of paste wax.
    TraceyB, Aquitaine and stocker08 like this.
  10. Aquitaine

    Aquitaine Is What It IS! But NEVER BORED!

    AND we wait here with baited breath to see the final due time!!!!!!:singing::singing::singing::singing::singing::singing::singing::singing::singing::singing:
    TraceyB and stocker08 like this.
  11. stocker08

    stocker08 Member

    Ah good. I didn't add any varnish...but I basically cut the oil by 1/2 for the first coat and 1/3 for the second. Applied with a cotton cloth....don't think there's any debris that should get into it. I am now just waiting however long it takes for the coat to dry completely to apply more. The Tung Oil gives it a really nice deep color that I really wasn't expecting. Based upon the dusty, basically colorless thing that I received, that is. If I could go back....I would have tested it to better attempt to match the wood fill that I used. Fortunately the face of the piece was in pretty good condition and needed very little. But the sides I went pretty heavy on in places and it is quite noticeable. Oh well. That will be a project for later on. I've now got a few other things (grandparents vintage coffee tables and a cane weave rocking chairs....neither of which are nearly this large or intricate) that I plane to refinish as well....seeing as how I've taken quite a liking to this project. Hopefully will have a finished project in a few weeks.

    Thanks for the help!
    TraceyB likes this.
  12. stocker08

    stocker08 Member

    So I believe I am finished (for now). I completely removed the back. The wood was destroyed. I plan to replace it with a removable back....probably held in by U brackets or something similar. Still plan on adding shelves. There were none in the top portion of the chest when I got it....but clearly there were at one point. The sliding wood pieces below the drawers each had like slat shelving behind them. Not really practical so I plan to cut some solid pieces to fit in there as well.

    Would really need a lot of work as far as replacing pieces of wood to restore it further. The drawers are pretty warped and just in poor shape all around. I think that would be something that I'll look to do at some point.

    Thanks for all the help folks.

    Last edited: Mar 2, 2021
    verybrad, TraceyB, komokwa and 2 others like this.
  13. Bakersgma

    Bakersgma Well-Known Member

    Nice job!
    TraceyB and stocker08 like this.
  14. johnnycb09

    johnnycb09 Well-Known Member

    Lovely ! Nice work .
    TraceyB and stocker08 like this.
  15. Roaring20s

    Roaring20s Well-Known Member

    ... and it will have a new life ...
    TraceyB and stocker08 like this.
  16. Debora

    Debora Well-Known Member

    Now that was a labor of love. And it shows. Well done!

    TraceyB and stocker08 like this.
  17. TraceyB

    TraceyB Well-Known Member

    Gorgeous. It has a lovely warmth to it. Great job.
    komokwa likes this.
  18. Marie Forjan

    Marie Forjan Well-Known Member

    TraceyB likes this.
  19. morgen94

    morgen94 Well-Known Member

    I think your aunt would be very proud of you.

    Re the sections with slats, perhaps you can back the vertical ones with a piece of (easy-to-remove) plexi, so you retain the original look, but keep dust out. If the horizontal slats are still there (I forgot to look), you could cover them with a piece of plexi, too.
    TraceyB likes this.
  20. stocker08

    stocker08 Member

    Thank you, everyone! I am happy with how it turned out. Especially considering how much time I put into it.

    I don't plan to do anything with the vertical pegs(?). I do have the original slats. Post #12 on the first page has some pictures. I had already removed the top portion...but the bottom ones are still in there from when I took those. I actually kind of like that idea...putting them back in and putting a piece of plexiglass over them. Wouldn't have to store them somewhere else....retain the look....get the functionality.
    TraceyB likes this.
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