19th Century Sudanese Haladie (double-bladed dagger)

Discussion in 'Sell' started by Nathan Lindop, Mar 6, 2018.

  1. Nathan Lindop

    Nathan Lindop 1: “?” 2: “!”

    I bought this dagger not too long ago but it owes me too much money to stay in my collection. I will give a description as best I can and attach photos below.

    I am selling my 19th Century Sudanese Haladie dagger. The handle is made of camel bone. Both sheaths are made from snakeskin and the blades are inscribed with what I am led to believe is scripture from the quaran but I cannot fully authenticate this. I am unsure if the metal. I am not an antique arms expert so I cannot vouch for the condition but I know that everything seems to be very sturdy and that I think it is a marvellous piece, I’ve never cleaned it so there is definately room for quick improvement of its looks.

    I often see the single bladed version of this camel bone, quaran dagger for sale but I rarely see the Haladie version. The single bladed knoves I have seen sell for around £160. But I am open to taking offers on this item. Just comment below your offer and we will go from there.

    Good luck 45C0A4A5-D70B-4DD1-B1E0-21A208F4CF60.jpeg A92DECEF-7591-410F-B5EB-3F89E612389D.jpeg 0CB8B272-66CE-4C3D-9476-0430D06DE925.jpeg D514D25D-A9DA-4E60-AEEC-64188C7E499A.jpeg
    Last edited: Mar 6, 2018
  2. Any Jewelry

    Any Jewelry Well-Known Member

    Beautiful dagger, Nathan. Yes, the texts on these are usually Koranic or symbols resembling Koranic texts, since every written letter was considered to be related to sacred texts.
    You'd better remove your email address, anyone can see this, and your mailbox could be cluttered with unwanted mail in not time. If people want to buy it, they can contact you through the site.
    And remember, shipping snakeskin items abroad can be a problem, so keep it inside the country you're in.
  3. Any Jewelry

    Any Jewelry Well-Known Member

    Just noticed, you mention a price in pounds.
    If you are in the UK, you can sell it inside the EU, as far as I know. As long as you do it before the brexit.;)
    kyratango and komokwa like this.
  4. Nathan Lindop

    Nathan Lindop 1: “?” 2: “!”

    Thank you, I think so too. Email down haha, good call. Yeh I agree about the snakeskin, I’ll make sure I observe any laws first before accepting any deals. Damn brexit
    Any Jewelry and kyratango like this.
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