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That was fast !!!!..... who R U ??

Discussion in 'Introductions' started by komokwa, Dec 22, 2014.

  1. komokwa

    komokwa The Truth is out there...!

    I thought we were at it's 341.......
    lots of new faces.....introductions???.......not so much !
  2. Armando0831

    Armando0831 Well-Known Member

    There was a member who contacted me about my Romanian pin from the 1923, they asked if I take pay pal and wanted to buy it. I have never seen that member post anything before that I can remember.
  3. Figtree3

    Figtree3 What would you do if you weren't afraid?

    Intros are not required, but always appreciated - if only so that we can say "welcome." :happy:

    And I imagine, just as on any other site, this one has its share of lurkers.
  4. komokwa

    komokwa The Truth is out there...!

    Well then I guess it also has it's share of core members , & I'll have to content myself with that & the knowledge our MODS are vigilant and don't admit just anyone.
  5. say_it_slowly

    say_it_slowly The worst prison is a closed heart

    I think it's like a snowball gaining momentum. There are more and more of the interesting posts here showing up on google so hopefully there will be a lot of nice lurkers that decide this is a nice place and will sign up.
    kentworld, *crs*, 42Skeezix and 2 others like this.
  6. komokwa

    komokwa The Truth is out there...!

    do our pictures show up on google too ??
  7. say_it_slowly

    say_it_slowly The worst prison is a closed heart

    yup at least some do.
  8. 42Skeezix

    42Skeezix Moderator Moderator

    Now it's 342...
  9. maryislgal

    maryislgal Well-Known Member

    I don't know alot about antiques---but I am sure proud to be a member of this group of wonderful people !!!!!
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