Featured Painting on wood thing

Discussion in 'Art' started by billyd3us, Jan 29, 2018.

  1. billyd3us

    billyd3us Thanks All my Friends

    Does anyone know what this thing is ? All hand painted on wood, no names or markings on it, it's all wood.

    Thank You

    Billy D. 013.JPG 014.JPG 015.JPG 016.JPG
    judy, Any Jewelry and kyratango like this.
  2. Bronwen

    Bronwen Well-Known Member

    Hi Billy, The style of the painting looks Persian. I'm spatially challenged & can't tell from the photos what you're showing beyond the flat first photo. Is there any way it could be a Quran stand?
    judy and Any Jewelry like this.
  3. Any Jewelry

    Any Jewelry Well-Known Member

    Yes, classical Persian. No great age, but very charming.
    I like the way the camel has wandered off into the frame.;) Is it rolling its eyes at the scene?:rolleyes::playful:
    Like Bronwen I would love to know what it actually is. Does anything fold out, or is this just flat with bars?
    Bronwen and judy like this.
  4. billyd3us

    billyd3us Thanks All my Friends

    Thanks Bronwen, it's all flat and nothing folds out.
    Bronwen and Any Jewelry like this.
  5. billyd3us

    billyd3us Thanks All my Friends

    Hi Any Jewelry, I too would like to know what it is actually. The camel funny was funny, great sense of humor....
    Bronwen, Any Jewelry and judy like this.
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