BINGO!!! It is an old Ralph Lauren mark showing up in vintage earring listings!!!! At least very close and worth pursuing further! May be a little older mark or an imitator.
Omgosh!! Thank you 777 I thought Ralph Lauren but I could not find a script RL! I am a very determined individual and I have had to put these down for months out of sheer frustration LOL!! You made my day
I have actually met Ralph Lauren a few times so that came to mind quickly. I don't travel in well heeled circles but I used to live close to his ranch in Colorado. He goes there with his entourage for Christmas every year and mingles with the townfolk and is a very nice man for record!
How wonderful!! I remember as a youngster , my favorite perfume was one of Ralp Lauren I wore it for years! I am guessing it must have been a short stint of this Script type initials , I literally have scanned TONS of stamps , initials , etc..Lol! I hear Colorado is beautiful!!! Thank you so much!