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Discussion in 'Jewelry' started by Bronwen, Dec 20, 2017.

  1. Xristina

    Xristina Well-Known Member

    That's a 1000 points word, as it is a new one for me.. thank you ! ;)

    I think both ? The back looks a little bit dry, isn't it ?
    Not only the gold, but in my area, the jewelers are expensive too.... my plan is to wait until visiting my native country (Romania) and maybe find somebody over there to mount it.. but that will be probably 2022.. :(
    Bronwen likes this.
  2. Bronwen

    Bronwen Well-Known Member

    I'm sure it could use some hydration but you will probably find that whitish haze on the back will still be there when the water dries. It's natural to the shell.

    It would be great if you can get the ladies made into a wearable piece. I know you would get so many compliments, even with a very simple setting.
    kyratango and Xristina like this.
  3. Xristina

    Xristina Well-Known Member

    Good to know, thank you !

    I usually am not that organized, but it looks like I already have a project for 2022.. :smuggrin::smuggrin:
    Bronwen likes this.
  4. Marie Forjan

    Marie Forjan Well-Known Member

    I agree, so many nice gold mounts have been sold for scrap, I think that's why we see a lot of loose cameos :(
    Marko, Xristina, PepperAnna and 2 others like this.
  5. Bronwen

    Bronwen Well-Known Member

    And a lot of good cameos that are broken. :banghead::arghh::bigtears:
  6. PepperAnna

    PepperAnna Well-Known Member

    Lucky you! I am still looking for a Tignani for my collection.
    Bronwen and Xristina like this.
  7. Bronwen

    Bronwen Well-Known Member

    My little Tignanis (Photos way bigger than actual size):

    Apollo_Gabriel.jpg Theseus_1.jpg Venus.jpg

    My big Tignani, not in the best condition:


    My shell Tignani, acquired this past spring:

    kyratango, bluumz, fridolina and 2 others like this.
  8. PepperAnna

    PepperAnna Well-Known Member

    Okay! Now I am drooling!
    kyratango and Bronwen like this.
  9. Bronwen

    Bronwen Well-Known Member

    I haven't been seeing Tignani, Luigi Rosi, or Luigi Michelini the way I used to. Maybe they are being held back while economy is bad.
  10. Brian Warshaw

    Brian Warshaw Well-Known Member

    I have only just seen this, thanks.

    I sent our cameo to a UK auction house, and am not too impressed:

    "Apologies for the delayed response. Our consultant has now had the chance to look at the images you have provided.

    From the images he would suggest that the agate cameo itself is probably mid-19th century and is of a classical lady, possibly Flora. The silver gilt mount is certainly later, probably post 1950. He would suggest an auction estimate of £300-400, with a 10% discretionary reserve."

    This Goddess Flora:

    This is our cameo:
    DSCF5339 lowres.jpg

    This is Bronwell's analysis (Antinous Brashi):
    timthumb (1).jpg

    'Consultants' - I'll go with Bronwell and Antinous Brashi. Is it worth going back and querying the gender and subject?
  11. PepperAnna

    PepperAnna Well-Known Member

    I agree with Bronwen- your cameo (second picture) is Antinous.
  12. Bronwen

    Bronwen Well-Known Member

    Going back to the auction house (thought for an instant it was called Bronwell & Antinous) or going back to me? I stand firmly behind the Antinous Braschi. Of the various sculptures of Antinous that could be appropriated for use on a cameo, the Braschi, in the Vatican collections, is by far the model used most often.

    Not sure you can educate the auction house.
    Figtree3, fridolina and Brian Warshaw like this.
  13. fridolina

    fridolina Well-Known Member

    Probably that’s what happened to my new Michelangelo. Luckily the crack goes only through the red layer.



    BTY, the actual cameo is much, much smaller.
  14. PepperAnna

    PepperAnna Well-Known Member

    Lovely cameo! I am glad I didn't bid on it. We would have been competing and potentially have driven up the price unnecessarily. Congrats on your Michelangelo.
    kyratango, Bronwen and fridolina like this.
  15. Brian Warshaw

    Brian Warshaw Well-Known Member

    I know you are right; but I feel a need to, these people purport to be experts on the subject. I appreciate they will sometimes make mistakes, even I do, but when they mislead it can cause sellers and buyers a financial loss, while taking a fee for doing so.

    I used the same auction house for a quote on selling a 100-book library related to the oil and oil transportation industries, their history and politics. They came up with a job lot sale of £30 to £120. Based on the Abebooks seller sites, a copy of a 1906 signed copy of one book was offered at £252/£326/£526, another at £50 to 140, three others at over a £100. The other 94 books averaging at least £15 each. They don't want to do the necessary work.

    So I might go back to them, and see if they change their minds. But thank you for your help.
    Figtree3, Bronwen and fridolina like this.
  16. fridolina

    fridolina Well-Known Member

    Thank you. I love him even with the damage.

    I guess, I was lucky in a way.
    I also have to admit, as lovely as he is, he is nowhere near the quality of the cameos you have.
    Bronwen and PepperAnna like this.
  17. PepperAnna

    PepperAnna Well-Known Member

    I think your Michelangelo is great. And so far I have only posted my best cameos, so what you have is a lopsided perspective of my collection. :) I have also collected for a long time. And I also collect cracked/broken cameos with good carvings, as you have seen from some I have posted.

    The majority of my collection is of middle/low quality. I hope to eventually sell some of those so that I can save up for a cameo by Tignani, Michelini, Negroni, or some other well known carver or a special subject.
    lvetterli, Figtree3, Bronwen and 2 others like this.
  18. PepperAnna

    PepperAnna Well-Known Member

    I think most auction houses don't know much about cameos. Just look at their listings. The subjects are often wrong, sometimes they miss signature that are clearly inscribed on the back of the cameo, and I have even seen them list a hardstone as shell and vice versa. There are very few auction houses with cameo experts. Fellows, Bertolami and Bonhams are houses were their listings seem to be accurate and more complete.
  19. Bronwen

    Bronwen Well-Known Member

    I just felt like posting this as a bit of an oddity. It is the Last Supper, with the gang at a round table, all but one there (Judas must have already taken his leave), and whole thing only about the size of a dime. The vertical pin & type of shell tell me its early 19th century.

    LastSupFront.PNG LastSupBack2.PNG LastSupScale.PNG
  20. fridolina

    fridolina Well-Known Member

    Very interesting cameo.
    I think they are all present. I can see 13 figures.
    The back is very unusual. Never seen such a pattern before. Thank you for showing it.
    kyratango and Brian Warshaw like this.
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