Heidelberger Schloss Souvenir Oldest One?

Discussion in 'Antique Discussion' started by thefathand, Nov 26, 2017.

  1. thefathand

    thefathand Active Member

    Hi forum,
    I have this very old Heidelberger Schloss Souvenir with a 91 on the reverse. It's a copper enameling that someone would then hang on their wall as a little piece of art from Heidelberger Castle. Whoever made this one, accidentally brushed it with something as it was still in the kiln, it shows that above the left side of the Castle. Anyways, I know there's collectors from all over the world on this site, has anyone ever come across one like it? In my mind, I want to believe that it was made in 1891. I also know that it could be number 91 in a series of the ones that were made and sold, or maybe it's just a student project. Does anyone know about these types of souvenirs or anything about Heidelberg Castle, like what year they started selling souvenirs? Value? Comments?
    Castle 001.JPG Ebay 10-29 006.jpg Castle 005.jpg Ebay 10-29 007.jpg Ebay 10-29 009.jpg Ebay 10-29 001.jpg
    judy likes this.
  2. Caribou's House

    Caribou's House Well-Known Member

    Funny, I have an 1891 Germany souvenir that I have the same question about. Is it 1891? This is mine. Some type of process of putting an image on glass and the black around it is painted. The metal frame (thin brass or copper) looks similar to yours. German script of old had that curlicue style, but maybe souvenirs for foreigners might be different? The back of mine has two pieces of plain "cardboard" inserts and a cardboard back. The hanger fell off but it was indentical to yours. I bought mine for a dollar at a thrift store but it is definitely not my style. Don't think they are worth that much. IMG_20171127_095511-1.jpg IMG_20171127_095525.jpg
    Any Jewelry likes this.
  3. Any Jewelry

    Any Jewelry Well-Known Member

    I think it is. It commemorates the return of the holy tunic, supposedly worn by Christ, to the cathedral of Trier in 1891. It had been there in the Middle Ages, was taken away and kept in several locations. I believe it is now in Augsburg, but is exhibited occasionally in Trier. 1891 was such an occasion.
    The text is: Andenken an Trier - der hl. (heiligen) Rock unseres Erlösers - im Dom = souvenir of Trier - the holy tunic of our saviour - in the cathedral.

    There are of course other towns in Europe who claim to have a holy tunic.
    Caribou's House and Bakersgma like this.
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