African Shield?

Discussion in 'Tribal Art' started by Calum Coutts, Nov 9, 2020.

  1. Calum Coutts

    Calum Coutts Member

    Hi All,

    Wondering if anybody can tell me anything about this.. I think it may have been a shield but is missing the handle?

    I assuming that it is just something made for tourists but very interested to here what any of you guys think.

    Thanks a lot

    Calum rsz_img_20201109_124158.jpg rsz_img_20201109_124132.jpg
    FishLure and ulilwitch like this.
  2. Taupou

    Taupou Well-Known Member

    Not African, it's from Papua New Guinea, in the South Pacific.

    It isn't a shield (it lacks any way to hold it, which is the main purpose of a shield), but made in the style of a gable mask from Marap Village, Middle Sepik region.
  3. Calum Coutts

    Calum Coutts Member

    Wow thanks so much Taupou! South pacific makes sense. The provenance is the same as another item supposedly from Rennel Island.

    The reason I wondered shield is the square holes to the top and bottom
  4. Taupou

    Taupou Well-Known Member

    If you have access to the book/booklet "The Artifacts and Crafts of Papua New Guinea, A Guide for Buyers," this style of mask (# 29) is illustrated on page 7.

    Since it is described as being "Very scarce," it was most likely carved for sale to collectors.

    The two holes at top and bottom are problematic, and wouldn't be found on a mask actually used culturally. Plus it's not the way a handle would be attached to a Sepik shield.
    reader and komokwa like this.
  5. Calum Coutts

    Calum Coutts Member

    Thanks again Taupou. Ive had a look for the book but its very expensive! Ill keep an eye out for a cheap copy on ebay
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