Little religious painting

Discussion in 'Art' started by Stanzerl, Nov 1, 2017.

  1. Stanzerl

    Stanzerl Active Member

    I came across this small painting a couple of days ago. Sizewise it is about 10x15cm. It doesn‘t habe a signature, but it is a little red mark on the top. Otherwise I can‘t really read if it said Saint, Sankt or Sanct. Even though it is a little quirky and I am not the most religious person, I quite like it. Does anybody have some ideas what this style is called, if it could have been painted by a professional artist or an amateur or possibly even who possibly could have painted it??? Also any ideas about origin and age? Any tip and help is appreciated! Thank you!
    yourturntoloveit and Any Jewelry like this.
  2. aaroncab

    aaroncab in veritate victoria

    I quite like it too - I'd say it's probably an amateur drawing but I think whoever it was had some talent. Here's some info on the subject - St. Bede - the patron saint of scholars:

    I'm no art expert - but I'd say it has some cubism flourishes - although I wouldn't call it overall "cubism". Probably drawn in the 1950's/60's would be my guess. And as always - I could be WAY off base :)
    Last edited: Nov 1, 2017
  3. SBSVC

    SBSVC Well-Known Member

    Stanzerl, it does say St Bede on the back, and I imagine that is correct, due to all the books at his feet, and the scroll in his hand. Here's a bit about him:

    Saint Bede the Venerable
    Bede is one of the few saints honored as such even during his lifetime. His writings were filled with such faith and learning that even while he was still alive, a Church council ordered them to be read publicly in the churches.

    At an early age, Bede was entrusted to the care of the abbot of the Monastery of St. Paul, Jarrow. The happy combination of genius and the instruction of scholarly, saintly monks, produced a saint and an extraordinary scholar, perhaps the most outstanding one of his day. He was deeply versed in all the sciences of his times: natural philosophy, the philosophical principles of Aristotle, astronomy, arithmetic, grammar, ecclesiastical history, the lives of the saints and especially, holy Scripture.

    From the time of his ordination to the priesthood at 30–he had been ordained a deacon at 19–till his death, Bede was ever occupied with learning, writing, and teaching. Besides the many books that he copied, he composed 45 of his own, including 30 commentaries on books of the Bible.

    His Ecclesiastical History of the English People is commonly regarded as of decisive importance in the art and science of writing history. A unique era was coming to an end at the time of Bede’s death: It had fulfilled its purpose of preparing Western Christianity to assimilate the non-Roman barbarian North. Bede recognized the opening to a new day in the life of the Church even as it was happening.

    edited to add:
    Aaron beat me to it, again! The info above is from the same site he showed.

    edited again to add:
    St Bebe died on the Feast of the Ascension, which probably would explain why Mary is floating over him on the left.
    Last edited: Nov 1, 2017
    Bronwen, Stanzerl, Bakersgma and 5 others like this.
  4. Any Jewelry

    Any Jewelry Well-Known Member

    That would be mine too. I like it.
    Stanzerl, yourturntoloveit and judy like this.
  5. Stanzerl

    Stanzerl Active Member

    Thank you! This is already a tremendous help, since I didn‘t know where to start. It also would make sense with St. Bede being the saint of scholars, since I live in the Boston area and we have tons of universities. Maybe a catholic professor owned it once, who knows?
  6. Bronwen

    Bronwen Well-Known Member

    Before I looked at the back I felt the books & scrolls indicated a Doctor of the Church, the skull cap, a monk, both of which St. (the Venerable) Bede was. It's an unconventional depiction; all the others I turned up show him elderly & bearded. Having the Virgin appear to him is not part of his story, so I like SBSVC's account of why she would be in the scene. Since he is young here, perhaps a foretelling of when he will die? I also find the image appealing.
    SBSVC, aaroncab and yourturntoloveit like this.
  7. verybrad

    verybrad Well-Known Member

    Would probably call this Modernist. 50s-60s is probably about right.
    aaroncab and yourturntoloveit like this.
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