Wrights 4" Chainette Gold Fringe - $2.00 per generous yard + $4.00 shipping PER ORDER, up to about 6yds. See the label on the bolt for specs. I can probably get up to 9 (generous) yards in a single run, POSSIBLY more. I MAY even have a full bolt of 18yds for $20 plus 2 lb calculated shipping from 60622. It looks pretty crumby just off the bolt, but once sewn or tacked on and the blue "keeper" thread is removed, it looks like the photo of the bench with the tacks or the curtain. It is "old", matte gold not shiny or brassy in colour. This is NOT bullion fringe, and it is not the real thick, highest quality stuff, but it works well for draperies, costumes, table runners, etc. I have used it "double sided" on accent pillows as well. Pricing/shipping are negotiable if REALLY large quantities are desire, let me know - I have quite a bit of this on hand .........and the other hand................and both feet..........
Hmmm...........you know me so well. I'll have to think about it...I've been pitching mini-fits every other day recently over the piles of "stuff" I have.
Trust me - this pile is not going to diminish in the near future...................I have between 50 and 100 yards of the stuff...................