I bought this Snake Netsuke at a Gem and Mineral Show in the early 80's. At the time I was told it was Old and Ivory I had no idea what a Netsuke was at that time, I just like Snakes. It probably needs some cleaning. I do not believe it is signed, but I do notice there is some light engraving about 1/2 inch from the right hole. I have not checked to see if it is Ivory. I am hoping someone might have some insight as to the age of this piece.
Take a thin piece of flexible wire, if it can't be threaded through from one hole to the other, almost a guarantee that it's new. Still, a nice piece to have if you like snakes. Welcome to the board Nailhunter.
Thank you for the idea! I did not know about Tagua Nuts! I looked up some pictures of Tagua Nut carvings and they are pretty cool. How hard is a Tagua Nut?
I really don't know. My guess is it's relatively soft, but it must be quite durable as it has been used to make buttons, and I have seen pieces online that are said to be 19th century.
Tagua nuts are pretty hard; too hard to carve with a knife, so carving is normally done with hacksaw and files, per Wikipedia; I've never carved one.
Engraving tools,files,dental tools,chip carving knife.... http://myparanormallife.blogspot.com/2008/03/guide-to-carving-with-tagua-nuts.html