Spoon found on Penobscot Bay

Discussion in 'Metalware' started by Cordelia K, Sep 23, 2017.

  1. Cordelia K

    Cordelia K Member

    From my original post: A woman at my church has a spoon she found 40 years ago on Penobscot Bay near the town of Northport, Maine. She's been examining it and wondering about its origin all these years. I took pictures for her and will upload them later this week. (A week became a month!) Hoping someone will recognize the spoon and satisfy her curiosity.

    Spoon 1.jpg Spoon 2.jpg Spoon 3.jpg Spoon 4.jpg
  2. terry5732

    terry5732 Well-Known Member

    Circa 1880-1895. Nickel silver. If it was mint condition it might be worth a buck or two. As is it is worth about a buck a pound.
  3. Cordelia K

    Cordelia K Member

    Thank you; that was fast! Any idea of country of origin?
    judy and KingofThings like this.
  4. buyingtime777

    buyingtime777 Well-Known Member

    The value of finding an item yourself and being able to relive that moment in your life and that day every time you pick it up in the years to come= Priceless
    ceh, Aquitaine, AJefferson and 9 others like this.
  5. Cordelia K

    Cordelia K Member

    Poetry. I know the spoon has given my friend pleasure and flights of fancy.
    Aquitaine, AJefferson, judy and 6 others like this.
  6. terry5732

    terry5732 Well-Known Member

    I would say that design it almost certainly American. It was probably an old worn second hand piece when it was lost on a beach picnic.
  7. Bakersgma

    Bakersgma Well-Known Member

    Hi Cordelia! I am absolutely amazed that I found a picture of this design.. As already mentioned, silver-plated and American. It's pattern name is unknown, but an example was found by Davis and Diebel with the backstamp of "Sterling Silver Plate Co." Unfortunately, at the time that they compiled their second edition in 1981 they were unable to determine which company used this tradename. They assigned the #4 to this design (there were 3 others with the same backstamp, also pattern name unknown.)
  8. Bakersgma

    Bakersgma Well-Known Member

    Took another dive into my reference library and found that Dorothy Rainwater was able to find that the tradename "Sterling Silver Plate Co." was used by Holmes, Booth and Haydens of Waterbury, CT, which firm was sold out to Rogers and Hamilton in 1886. R and H apparently did not continue the use of the SSPC tradename. So your friend's spoon was made before that.

    This "japanesque" design style came into popularity in the late 1870's and lasted until after the 1886 date mentioned above.
    cxgirl, James Conrad, judy and 8 others like this.
  9. Cordelia K

    Cordelia K Member

    The spoon is so light, and it has that little hole in the bowl. Yet many generations of hands and then the elements could not wear away its grace notes.
    judy, Aquitaine, LIbraryLady and 3 others like this.
  10. Cordelia K

    Cordelia K Member

    Wow Wow Wow Bakersgma! Amazing info. Thank you so much for the historical details. Margaret will be thrilled with all the info!!!
    Aquitaine, judy, Lucille.b and 2 others like this.
  11. buyingtime777

    buyingtime777 Well-Known Member

    Ooohhh! You are good Bakersgma! :)
  12. Bakersgma

    Bakersgma Well-Known Member

    Thanks, buying time. I would blame it on a misspent youth, but it's more like a well-spent retirement. ;)
  13. Cordelia K

    Cordelia K Member

    Shared your amazing research and comments with Margaret this afternoon. She was thrilled to learn that the spoon is so old. She recounted again how she found it, and how she loved the area where it was -- she'd spent many happy hours there in her youth. "Priceless" definitely captures the old spoon's value to her. Here's a pix of Margaret and Duchess today, filled with gratitude for all your help.

    Margaret and Duchess say %22Thanks!%22.jpg
    judy, SBSVC, ceh and 5 others like this.
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