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Anyone know anything about this large upright Chest?

Discussion in 'Furniture' started by stocker08, Oct 6, 2020.

  1. stocker08

    stocker08 Member

    It was my late aunts. Always really liked it. Appears to be very old, based upon the various wood pieces making up the shelving, rear backing, drawers. Definitely appears to be hand made.

    Probably a long shot due to it's unique nature, that anyone will have any insight into it. I plan to clean it up, replace some weathered/deteriorated wood pieces. Thought about refinishing it....but, I don't think that's a very good idea. Cleaning up the rough spots should make a big difference.

    Don't really have any interest in getting rid of any alterations would be minimal.

    TraceyB likes this.
  2. Marie Forjan

    Marie Forjan Well-Known Member

    Just a quick thought, maybe Chinese.

    If I were you I would try to ID the characters in the center of each of the carved panels, probably something like health, happiness, etc.
    TraceyB and Fid like this.
  3. johnnycb09

    johnnycb09 Well-Known Member

    Believe it or not,but I think the bottom part was used as a chicken coop . I saw one like this many moons ago and thats what the guy told me. Awesome piece,pity someone stripped it.
    TraceyB likes this.
  4. stocker08

    stocker08 Member

    I'd be surprised if it were used as a chicken coop. There is no solid bottom to the interior of that part. All slats. And it is open from left to right. Not individual compartments. Seems like it would have been too small top to bottom for something like that. However....I'm not really that well read on things like that.
    TraceyB likes this.
  5. stocker08

    stocker08 Member

    Good idea. I'd be very interested to see what these meant.
    TraceyB likes this.
  6. stocker08

    stocker08 Member

    I'll have more pictures this weekend as well. And if anyone has any restoration ideas based on those. It's in decent shape...but only so much a cleaning and some furniture oil could possibly do. As I said....some of the really rough wood pieces (mostly in the back/drawers) I plan to replace. The slats make storage more of an issue. I intend to remove those, or shelve over them...leaving them as is.
    TraceyB likes this.
  7. Debora

    Debora Well-Known Member

    I see those on the internet referred to as Chinese fretwork kitchen cabinets. Those search words will bring up other examples. Here's an antique one for comparison.


  8. CheersDears

    CheersDears Well-Known Member

    You are quite amazing, @Debora, and never cease to amaze with your info and sleuthing skills! The OP's cabinet feels pretty good to me, going purely on "the vibe".
    TraceyB and Debora like this.
  9. stocker08

    stocker08 Member

    Wow! Amazing find. Thank you!
    TraceyB likes this.
  10. stocker08

    stocker08 Member

    Using Murphy's Oil Wash on some of the drawers and doors is making me think that there is much less work than I need to do. Other than a few physical alterations to the rear backing that is damaged....and the shelving piece of particle board. Plus the decision of what to do with the slats. A simple cleaning is already bringing out the color of the wood. Anyone have any suggestions for an oil based protectant of sorts to apply at the end?

    If you couldn't tell....I'm not very adept with things like these.
    TraceyB likes this.
  11. verybrad

    verybrad Well-Known Member

    I use a tung oil finish. You can buy it prepared or make your own (equal parts tung oil, oil based varnish, and mineral spirits). Apply thinly with a rag. May need 2-3 coats.
    TraceyB and stocker08 like this.
  12. stocker08

    stocker08 Member

    So I finally got it home and disassembled. Definitely in worse shape than the assembled front gives it credit for. As I think I said....I am going to try and keep the original wood in tact as much as possible. The thing doesn't appear to be held together by nails anywhere. Just cleaning up some of the front pieces removed showed that the wood is still very beautiful. So I'm not too concerned about that.

    For the most part, my plans include new shelves, where the two were missing in the top part. Probably a piece to simply set on top of the bottom piece. It's in pretty bad shape to the point where I'm not sure what I can do with it. Boards over the slats, or entirely replacing them.

    After that....I don't know. I am open to suggestions. What I can do to clean up some of the rough areas? The back is something that I am not sure what to do with. One of the drawers is pretty warped. Doesn't affect it's fit in the I might not do anything about it.

    TraceyB likes this.
  13. komokwa

    komokwa The Truth is out there...!

    nice workshop:) u have a I see a big honkin wood something there that calls to be bust up and burned..:yuck::yuck:
    TraceyB, Ghopper1924 and judy like this.
  14. stocker08

    stocker08 Member

    I don't think my dead aunt would have appreciated if I did that.
    TraceyB and judy like this.
  15. komokwa

    komokwa The Truth is out there...!

    ummm....she's have wanted to keep you warm in the fall !! :playful::playful:
    TraceyB likes this.
  16. stocker08

    stocker08 Member

    Don't you have furnaces up there in Canada?
    TraceyB likes this.
  17. stocker08

    stocker08 Member

    Anyone have any recommendation as far as the big chunks go? Bondo vs. Wood filler/plastic wood?
    TraceyB likes this.
  18. komokwa

    komokwa The Truth is out there...!

    Sure do....& lots o' wood stoves !!
    TraceyB and stocker08 like this.
  19. stocker08

    stocker08 Member

    A little bit of TLC does well. The bones of the cab still need work.

  20. i need help

    i need help Moderator Moderator

    Looks better so far. I bet it was thirsty.
    TraceyB likes this.
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