Featured Please Help. Small bowl - Japan Marks

Discussion in 'Pottery, Glass, and Porcelain' started by Amorn. P, Aug 27, 2017.

  1. Amorn. P

    Amorn. P New Member

    Hello, I'm Bell Form Thailand :)

    I picked this small bowl from local secondhand shop. It's very thin like eggshell.
    I trying to searched similar but i can't understand the alphabet stamp.
    Can someone help me more info. Thx

    Ps. I'm weak in English. Please correct me if I'm wrong.




    Attached Files:

  2. judy

    judy Well-Known Member

    Hello Amorn....Welcome!

    I cannot help you, unfortunately, but just wanted to acknowledge your post.

    Your English is wonderful, as are you pictures.....and in the correct Full Size!

    Others will be along, and hopefully will know the answer.:cat:
  3. yourturntoloveit

    yourturntoloveit Well-Known Member

    Amorn, a big "welcome" to you.

    I join Judy in saying that "your English is wonderful, as are your pictures . . . and in the correct Full Size!"
  4. Aquitaine

    Aquitaine Is What It IS! But NEVER BORED!

    Hi and WELCOME to the boards!!!! I can pretty much agree wholeheartedly with the two above me, and your images are wonderful as well.....beautiful, clear and crisp!!!! Are you in to photography too??? I did have just one question.....in your opening statement.... "Hello, I'm Bell Form Thailand" ....did you mean "From"??? I wish I could help on your lovely lidded bowl, but others should be along....members are from around the world....!!
  5. Any Jewelry

    Any Jewelry Well-Known Member

    Hello and welcome. I agree, your English is wonderful.
    It is a gorgeous little bowl, I would have bought it.
    We have several people who could read the writing, but I haven't seen them here for a while, maybe they are on holiday.
  6. Amorn. P

    Amorn. P New Member

    yess I mean "From" not Form ... LOL

    I'm beginner and practicing photography with my phone, Thanks a lot. I am flattered :D:D
  7. Aquitaine

    Aquitaine Is What It IS! But NEVER BORED!

    If those images are from your phone, WELL DONE!!!!!!!:):)
    Amorn. P, Ghopper1924, judy and 2 others like this.
  8. Any Jewelry

    Any Jewelry Well-Known Member

    I wouldn't have thought that, you clearly have talent, and feeling for how to present an object to it's best advantage.
    Amorn. P, Ghopper1924, judy and 3 others like this.
  9. komokwa

    komokwa The Truth is out there...!

    Lovely bowl......fine photo's.......
    Soup bowl....rice bowl....you don't say how big it is......?
  10. KentWhirled

    KentWhirled Well-Known Member

    Yes, looks Japanese to me. KHL, if he was around could likely translate the mark (which may be upside down. Quality looks pretty good, but I have no clue about how old it is.
  11. Any Jewelry

    Any Jewelry Well-Known Member

    It is right side up, so no physio needed for anyone attempting to read it.;)

    Amorn, do you have a Chinese restaurant nearby? If so, you can take the photo of the bottom of the bowl there and see if they can make sense of it.
    Japanese uses the same characters as Chinese. The characters are symbols with a certain meaning, not letters. Because of that a Chinese person could be able to read it.
  12. KentWhirled

    KentWhirled Well-Known Member

    Which is why I said "may!" :shy:
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