Featured Mother of pearl? and small stones - unknown metal ring.

Discussion in 'Jewelry' started by aaroncab, Aug 21, 2017.

  1. Any Jewelry

    Any Jewelry Well-Known Member

    It looks inlaid:
    Christmasjoy, kyratango and aaroncab like this.
  2. artsfarm

    artsfarm Active Member

    That was my first thought, Lucite.
    Christmasjoy and kyratango like this.
  3. all_fakes

    all_fakes Well-Known Member

    Yes, or other plastic/acrylic; there are and were several "pearlescent" types available. The general style does look very similar to some of the Hidalgo examples in an earlier post.
    I'd think the curved shape would be unlikely for real pearl.
  4. evelyb30

    evelyb30 Well-Known Member

    The first image made me think very modern enamel; they do some now that has a swirly effect. The close-ups have me thinking some sort of pearlized lucite too.
    Christmasjoy and kyratango like this.
  5. aaroncab

    aaroncab in veritate victoria

    Tried to get a bit more detail / up close - this is a small ring - I believe approx a size 4 1/2 US (the white pieces are only about 3mm long)- so it's proving quite challenging but here's what I got (if you enlarge the pics you'll see a bit of what I take to be blue iridescence.):

    IMGP0335dev.jpg IMGP0326dev.jpg IMGP0318dev.jpg IMGP0312dev_1.jpg
    Last edited: Aug 23, 2017
    Christmasjoy and Any Jewelry like this.
  6. komokwa

    komokwa The Truth is out there...!

    it's wild that it fits the given space so perfectly !!!
    Close up it's looking less like a shell......
    Christmasjoy likes this.
  7. Hollyblue

    Hollyblue Well-Known Member

    In the new photos the ring looks like gold plated copper.
  8. Ownedbybear

    Ownedbybear Well-Known Member

    Looks modern Indian to me.
  9. kyratango

    kyratango Bug jewellery addiction!

    Impeccable pics! Swirls, swirls.... nacreous particles in manmade stuff and gold plated are now visible :peeking::pompous:;)
  10. Lucille.b

    Lucille.b Well-Known Member

    Photos are outstanding.

    I would have thought fairly new for this. The white material looks synthetic to my eye. From India, Thailand?

    Agree that with the new photos you can see some copper showing through. Might be a clue.

    4.5 is a ring for a fairly small finger, but would fit on my pinky! It's a pretty ring.
    Christmasjoy likes this.
  11. Hollyblue

    Hollyblue Well-Known Member

    It took a while to remember where I had viewed similar material,just had to get the right keyword ........... Kirinite (TM) White MOP
  12. evelyb30

    evelyb30 Well-Known Member

    I'm back to thinking it's that expoxy/enamel stuff again. The copper is coming through the gold in spots.
    Christmasjoy likes this.
  13. aaroncab

    aaroncab in veritate victoria

    Thanks everyone for your input and help. I think it does appear to be gold plated and most likely a synthetic MOP - but I'm still going to have the stones tested for fun. I imagine with it being plated they won't end up being diamonds - perhaps just quartz or glass.
    Christmasjoy likes this.
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