Help Identifying These Teacups, Please?

Discussion in 'Pottery, Glass, and Porcelain' started by LovesVintage, Sep 6, 2020.

  1. LovesVintage

    LovesVintage reader of books and tea leaves

    I inherited these from my mother, who kept them in a cabinet with items that she herself inherited from her mother and grandmother. I love them. How odd, I've only just now noticed the word "Laport" in the pattern! That's a weird place for a signature, isn't it? Does anyone have any information on this maker & pattern? IMG_9981.jpg
    IMG_9979.jpg IMG_9982.jpg
    Last edited: Sep 6, 2020
    antidiem likes this.
  2. LovesVintage

    LovesVintage reader of books and tea leaves

    Are these actually demitasse, not teacups?
    Bronwen and KikoBlueEyes like this.
  3. Bakersgma

    Bakersgma Well-Known Member

    Laport was the decorator.
  4. LovesVintage

    LovesVintage reader of books and tea leaves

    Thank you. I have so much to learn.
  5. say_it_slowly

    say_it_slowly The worst prison is a closed heart

    I'm not sure this is the maker but the mark is similar. This is from Röntgen's book of marks for Paul Muller. Hopefully someone will know more.
    Last edited: Sep 6, 2020
  6. LovesVintage

    LovesVintage reader of books and tea leaves

    Thank you! Hmmmmmmmmmm.......
  7. janetpjohn

    janetpjohn Well-Known Member

  8. clutteredcloset49

    clutteredcloset49 Well-Known Member

    Probably Chocolate cups by the shape.
  9. LovesVintage

    LovesVintage reader of books and tea leaves

  10. janetpjohn

    janetpjohn Well-Known Member

    Yes, just hand painted enough so they could claim it was, and fool most people into thinking the whole item is hand painted.
    Bakersgma likes this.
  11. dgbjwc

    dgbjwc Well-Known Member

    I'm not sure this is terribly helpful but it appears to be an imitation of Ohme's Old Ivory patterns.
  12. clutteredcloset49

    clutteredcloset49 Well-Known Member

    That's what I thought it was until I saw the mark and realized it wasn't.
  13. LovesVintage

    LovesVintage reader of books and tea leaves

    I just looked it up and I think you're right. It's a shame, these would look so much better without the stencils.
  14. Fid

    Fid Well-Known Member

    did anyone find anything about that Röntgen mark ? is there somewhere a proof that it is a Müller mark ?
    from 1917 onwards it was integrated into Lorenz Hutschenreuther as a still independant department (Abteilung Paul Müller Selb).
  15. Rec

    Rec Well-Known Member

    mark shows similarities with the mark of Porzelanfabriek Sorau fr Bohme (green cirkle) 1894-1918.

    and after searching a while, i found your mark in the book of
    Dieter Zuhlsdorff Keramik Marken. and its indeed Franz Bohme. franz bohme.jpg
    say_it_slowly, LovesVintage and Fid like this.
  16. say_it_slowly

    say_it_slowly The worst prison is a closed heart

    I find myself confused, partly because of a language issue so perhaps you know.

    I found this mark online (PS with Germany instead of Bavaria) where someone was asking if it was a Lehmann mark and someone came back and said it's a Bohme mark showing photo you have. They also posted information on the mark and from Google translate, looks to me like it says it is a Lehmann or possibly Christoph Schumann mark. I'm confused.



    LovesVintage likes this.
  17. say_it_slowly

    say_it_slowly The worst prison is a closed heart

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  18. Rec

    Rec Well-Known Member

    Unfortunately I do not have the book to read what the numbers and references mean.
    now based on the photos you have shared through other forums it looks like it must be a Lehmann mark. but I have my doubts about it and have sent an email to the manager of PM&M website (a very reliable site where you can find a lot of information about german brands).

    why did I do that? because neither the mark of Christoph Schumann nor that of Theodor Lehmann, Theodor & Roosberg and porcelainfabriek Shonwald shows similarities with this PS mark. It doesn't make sense to me to believe that Lehmann during a short period used a porcelain mark that looks more on the Bohme's mark than his. but well, I don't know either. Because mijn doubts i send a mail to PM&M.

    If PM&M reacts, I will share te information with you.
    until then i would name this a P&S Germany marked cup from early 20th century.
    say_it_slowly and LovesVintage like this.
  19. say_it_slowly

    say_it_slowly The worst prison is a closed heart

    Chris Marshall, that site's owner, is a member here so if he sees it hopefully he'll respond.

    @Chris Marshall
    Rec likes this.
  20. Rec

    Rec Well-Known Member

    That's very goed than. I hope he responds
    say_it_slowly likes this.
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