African Wood Mask

Discussion in 'Tribal Art' started by kardinalisimo, Jul 25, 2017.

  1. kardinalisimo

    kardinalisimo Well-Known Member

    IMG_8511.JPG IMG_8512.JPG It looks like a decorative piece but is it modeled after a real tribal mask?
  2. Taupou

    Taupou Well-Known Member

    The photo is upside down, but this appears to be loosely based on a Bateke mask from the Congo. This is a style of mask that is often copied, "interpreted," or otherwise carved with artistic freedom, for the souvenir or African art decorator market. It's usually depicted in a basically round form, with big round eyes with a slit in the middle, and generally a rather small, protruding, mouth. In the recent reproductions, everything else is largely up to the maker, including the colors and patterns used to decorate it.
    judy likes this.
  3. kardinalisimo

    kardinalisimo Well-Known Member

  4. Taupou

    Taupou Well-Known Member

    It's possible, both the BaLuba and BaTeke make similar masks, with the round eyes. The Luba Kifwebe masks, however, characteristically feature a linear pattern of grooved or incised lines around the eyes. It's that patterned striation that typically identify Kifwebe masks.

    Since this mask doesn't have those lines, I'd think it is more in keeping with the BaTeke masks. It could, however, be made strictly for sale, and by someone not associated with either tribal affiliation, and therefore not really patterned after any authentic mask, but just as a decorative piece.

    As to the bowl, I'm not familiar with it at all, and wouldn't want to venture a guess, but I do get more of an Eastern European feel from it, if that means anything.
    judy likes this.
  5. kardinalisimo

    kardinalisimo Well-Known Member

    Thanks again.
    At least you have a feel about the bowl :) I'm completely clueless.
    judy likes this.
  6. keno

    keno New Member

    IMG_2812.JPG IMG_2813.JPG IMG_2814.JPG IMG_2816.JPG IMG_2817.JPG IMG_2818.JPG IMG_2820.JPG IMG_2819.JPG hello all.. can someone tell me some information about this two items.. I purchased in a yard sale and I want to know if they have any value..
    thanks all
    Last edited: Jan 28, 2018
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