Mysterious Asian hairpin!

Discussion in 'Jewelry' started by spartcom5, Aug 7, 2017.

  1. spartcom5

    spartcom5 Well-Known Member

    So I have had this hair pin for quite sometime and have not gotten a definitive answer from anybody. I can confirm it is silver with enamel. As for anything else I got nothing.... I assume it is the 1800s sometime but not sure. No idea on the symbols. Thoughts? Thanks!
    20160723_185221_resized.jpg 20160723_185205_resized.jpg 20160723_185229_resized.jpg 20160723_185300_resized.jpg
  2. Any Jewelry

    Any Jewelry Well-Known Member

    It is 19th century Chinese, Canton enamel, from Guangdong province in southern coastal China.
    The stamp is the maker's mark. There were countless silversmiths in that part of China at the time. There are small lists on different sites, but they mainly focus on Chinese Export Silver, and this pin was made for the domestic market.
    But there are people on the forum who can read Chinese script, you can get their attention if you edit the title to include: Chinese mark, translation please.
    Last edited: Aug 7, 2017
  3. toomanytocount

    toomanytocount Boredom is a sin.

    Agree with AJ. Would like to add that many Chinese marks for the Chinese are rather obscure. I have a book, with several pages of Chinese translated marks, and they are evocative or poetic, such as 'from the studio of serenity', or 'by the lush mountain'.
    The first character on this beautiful hair pin, can mean 'valuable' or 'rare'. The meaning can change based on the rest of the marks and what they may say. :)
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