Hello, Antiquers

Discussion in 'Introductions' started by amandarevemichel, Jul 24, 2017.

  1. Hi everyone, my name is Amanda. I wouldn't necessarily call myself an antique collector or connoisseur, but I am a collector of books - especially lesser-known antique literature. It all started one day when my mother dragged me to goodwill, as she frequently used to do. An avid reader, I usually spent my time looking for books at the back of the store. That day, I stumbled across a 1904 copy of Freckles by Gene Stratton Porter. Now, almost 15 years later, I have a total of THREE 1904 copies of Freckles and a slew of other old books, some dating back to as early as 1876.

    I came here looking for information on something I found in one of my books, but I think I may stay! This seems like a great place to learn about things. Maybe I can learn more about the books that I have!
    Figtree3, LauraB, judy and 4 others like this.
  2. Christmasjoy

    Christmasjoy Well-Known Member

    WELCOME AMANDA !!! ... Joy.
    judy and KingofThings like this.
  3. evelyb30

    evelyb30 Well-Known Member

    Welcome! I have to admit to a thing for old cookbooks myself. I don't buy many now, but if the right one comes along....
    LauraB, judy, Christmasjoy and 2 others like this.
  4. KingofThings

    KingofThings 'Illiteracy is a terrible thing to waist' - MHH

    Welcome! :)
    I moved lots of books today. Easily and literally a ton plus and I'm not done for there are more to move tomorrow and then to put back!!!!
    Though there are some boxes of books on self help and real estate 'tricks' that will be leaving.
    (I know Komo. Too late now...they didn't work.)
    All this in search of my missing first car club jacket. :(
  5. aaroncab

    aaroncab in veritate victoria

    Welcome to the board!
    judy, Christmasjoy and KingofThings like this.
  6. Bakersgma

    Bakersgma Well-Known Member

    Do stick around, Amanda!
  7. I had to part with a lot of my book collection-- moving out of my parents' house and into a 650 square foot apartment helped make the decision to let some go a bit easier...
    judy, Christmasjoy and KingofThings like this.
  8. komokwa

    komokwa The Truth is out there...!

  9. Mansons2005

    Mansons2005 Nasty by Nature, Curmudgeon by Choice

    Ah! Gene Stratton Porter - I thoroughly enjoyed "Girl of the Limberlost" when I was learning to read, which i believe was inspired by "Freckles"......but absolutely HATED "The Bee Keeper"..............still have a visit to the Porter cabin on my list of places to go before I can't go anyplace any longer!

    Anyway, enough about me! Welcome to our rich and varied world..if the knowledgeable folks here don't KNOW the information, they can usually point you in the right direction to find the information!
    judy, Christmasjoy and KingofThings like this.
  10. Any Jewelry

    Any Jewelry Well-Known Member

    Hello Amanda, welcome.
    You are a collector, you just haven't realized it yet.;)
  11. say_it_slowly

    say_it_slowly The worst prison is a closed heart

    Hi Amanda! Welcome!
  12. toomanytocount

    toomanytocount Boredom is a sin.

    Welcome. Love to read too. Don't collect books per say, but like to keep the series and authors we enjoy. NO moving here. LOL
  13. Haha, thanks!! Glad to be here.

    My absolute favorite Gene Stratton Porter book is actually Laddie: A True Blue Story. It's narrated by a six-year-old girl and it's absolutely hilarious.

    Visiting the Porter Cabin is also on my list, along with Chincoteague Island...!
    Christmasjoy and KingofThings like this.
  14. Don't tell my husband that! He was already shocked at the 6 boxes of books I decided to keep :angelic:
  15. janettekay

    janettekay Well-Known Member

    Welcome to our board !
    Christmasjoy and KingofThings like this.
  16. Mansons2005

    Mansons2005 Nasty by Nature, Curmudgeon by Choice

    Sounds like a hoot - I'll have to search around and see if I can find a copy. Thanks!
  17. Aquitaine

    Aquitaine Is What It IS! But NEVER BORED!

    Hi and WELCOME, Amanda!!! MANY well versed people here in tons of subjects!!! I don't claim to be one of them, but I love learning!!!! I'm sure you'll enjoy your time spent here! :):):):)
  18. LIbraryLady

    LIbraryLady Well-Known Member

    As a child, one of my all-time favorite books was Girl of the Limberlost. Have to admit that when I began to read it to my daughter it had lost some of its charm for me. I've got "Freckles" too.
    I received my GM's small stash years ago, and I've held on tight.


    Where is the Porter Cabin???
  19. Mansons2005

    Mansons2005 Nasty by Nature, Curmudgeon by Choice

    Why, in the Limberlost Swamp of course......................in Indiana. You will find counties named Porter in Indiana and Illinois as well.
  20. all_fakes

    all_fakes Well-Known Member

    It is indeed a great place to hang out.
    Christmasjoy, judy and KingofThings like this.
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