Need help with origins/dating sterling candelabra / candlesticks.

Discussion in 'Silver' started by benbenny007, Jun 22, 2017.

  1. benbenny007

    benbenny007 I buy rubbish, and sell antiques

    Got these candelabras which I need help with. They are convertible to single candlesticks. Found similair which they call 'Hollowware weighted' pieces. Any ideas on age? Country? The pair was bought in the UK.

    They have no hallmarks which is strange to me. Why do such big and beautiful pieces have no makers mark or assay mark? Are they old?

    I know that old jewelry sometimes doesn't have hallmarks. Is this the same for other silver objects?

    Any info/input is welcome.

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  2. benbenny007

    benbenny007 I buy rubbish, and sell antiques

    The part that connects the pieces together is inside reinforced with copper. You can see a tick layer of silver surrounding it. Looks like this is the only part that has the copper reinforcement, the rest looks and feels like onlt silver was used


  3. terry5732

    terry5732 Well-Known Member

    They are modern 'silverplate' that only had a sticker on the felt bottom for identification. More likely Tudor Plate.
    lloyd249 likes this.
  4. benbenny007

    benbenny007 I buy rubbish, and sell antiques

    No no they are not silverplate. I understand your concerns but I buy a fair amount of scrap metals on a weekly basis so know how to dertimine plated from sterling. I've acid tested them in several areas and all goes red. I also went in very deep to get to the core! I used two different silver acids and also tested it with that other acid (forgot the name) that goes green/blue when in contact with non precious metals. All pieces tested as sterling. The copper reinforcement is only in the part which connects them together and the silver around it is at least 1mm to 1.5mm tick. The rest looks like it has no copper core.

    There is also one branch which is loose and needs repair. I could remove this piece and acid test it because it will not come in sight. Went in very deep with the veil and no copper core or other non precious metal. The inside is weighted with black wax or tar?
    Last edited: Jun 22, 2017
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