Original oil. Trying to identify artist

Discussion in 'Art' started by Rberr, Jun 12, 2017.

  1. Rberr

    Rberr Member

  2. Rberr

    Rberr Member

    Hi there everyone. Found this large colorful oil painting at a local thrift store. Could not pass up the price and loved all of the colors. It is a large painting approximately 4 feet wide. Been looking for the artist and have come up short. It is a really detailed painting and may just be an unknown artist but would love to find more of his/her work. Thanks for looking!
  3. Rberr

    Rberr Member

  4. verybrad

    verybrad Well-Known Member

    Christmasjoy and Bakersgma like this.
  5. moreotherstuff

    moreotherstuff Izorizent

    Try Silvano Assensi.
    Rberr and Christmasjoy like this.
  6. silverthwaite II

    silverthwaite II Well-Known Member

    WBS, but I think it reads Silvano. And, you can't see me, but I'm seated lower left in the chair just past the one you can see. Sipping limoncello. Soaking in the view. Ahhhh!
    Rberr and Christmasjoy like this.
  7. Danno

    Danno Well-Known Member

    I thought tuscan artist silvano assensi, as well. The signature is not a very good match though, at least in my comparisons. Stylistically, a good fit though.
    Rberr and Christmasjoy like this.
  8. silverthwaite II

    silverthwaite II Well-Known Member

    Good Heavens! Just looked him up.
    Rberr and Christmasjoy like this.
  9. verybrad

    verybrad Well-Known Member

    Not sure the style, color palette, nor signature match for Silvano Assensi. That said, it could be an earlier work of his. He seems to be a factory of art unto himself. One thing I have found out about factory art is that production will often closely mimic the work of a known artist and change the signature enough to get by with it.

    You might inquire here....

    Rberr likes this.
  10. Danno

    Danno Well-Known Member

    Definitely agree with your position, brad, on those currently in gallery. Not much of a match
    Rberr and Christmasjoy like this.
  11. Danno

    Danno Well-Known Member

    This one on ebay seemed to match a little better

    Christmasjoy likes this.
  12. Rberr

    Rberr Member

    Thank you all for your replies! I will certainly do some more research on that artist. I do know that the brushstrokes where the canvas wraps around the back are uneven and from a closer view you can see the oilpaint in the brush strokes. I know that gyclee prints are amazing and there are some really good company artists that can match brushstrokes with acrylic. Probably not an original but the uneven brushstrokes on the back of the canvas had me wondering. When I get home I will take a close-up picture of the back. Thanks again everyone!
    Christmasjoy likes this.
  13. verybrad

    verybrad Well-Known Member

  14. Rberr

    Rberr Member

    Wow thanks Brad. Very interesting article. I knew they had factory paintings, but had no idea it was to that level. Hard to authenticate anything lol. Thank you so much for the link!
  15. gregsglass

    gregsglass Well-Known Member

    A framing place went out of business several years ago. They had a huge stack of unframed paintings on a table. I went through about 50 when I found a couple of "Long lost Ancestors". They were ovals about 2 feet by 3 feet. One was a man wearing a cape with a fur collar. Looked like a college professor from the early 1800s. The other was a very wealthy lady in a wonderful light blue watered silk gown and wearing wonderful pearls. For 10 bucks each I could not pass them up.
    Spent another 40 dollars for frames. Had them for a couple of years and decided to sell them at a yard sale. I did not even have them priced yet when a dealer pulled up and snatched them asking how much I said jokingly 300 each. He paid with cash and took off before I could tell him what they were. I expected him to return the next day. Never saw him again. I always wondered if he sold them? They were factory paintings but I think originally they were 100 bucks apiece.
    Rberr likes this.
  16. Rberr

    Rberr Member

    That's a crazy story Greg. Thanks for sharing! Definitely going to have to get more skilled on my art identification LOL. Thankfully I haven't spent too much on all of my paintings
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