Featured Unique this vintage india carved knife and fork set?

Discussion in 'Antique Discussion' started by Chris75, May 27, 2017.

  1. Chris75

    Chris75 New Member

    My property is this vintage knife, wool, carved pouch around the middle of the 20th century. I wanted to give you a look at the price of various auctions on ebay, etc. But surprisingly, I did not find a piece of this kind. Another type, where the case is on the other side of the knife and the fork is one thousand, is at a price of $ 10- $ 75, there is a separate knife with many similars. I have no doubt about the originality, the carving, the copper elements.
    So I searched for google: vintage india carved case knife and . But not for sale, I did not see a picture of this set, even in a pointer. Do you think this is possible, so rare? And then how can you determine the price? Worth selling at all? So there is nothing to do with it. The length is 28 cm. With copper elements, knife and fork metal.


    Sorry my english, ty the help
  2. Any Jewelry

    Any Jewelry Well-Known Member

    Aquitaine and judy like this.
  3. Chris75

    Chris75 New Member

    Thanks, I also upload the pictures!

    IMG_20170526_063557.jpg IMG_20170526_073229.jpg



    yourturntoloveit likes this.
  4. Any Jewelry

    Any Jewelry Well-Known Member

    judy likes this.
  5. Chris75

    Chris75 New Member

    Yes, that's the point you wrote, "not exactly the same thing." The ones you have worn out of hundreds and hundreds are for sale for $ 10- $ 75. From the two sides you can insert the knife and the fork, but it can be put on mine from one side. There is even a knife version and a bigger two-sided, with 6 devices going. I also found a lot of these.

    I spend half a day browsing the net and did not find anything like mine sellers or even picture about it! But parts are the same, carving etc, sure to be the same manufacturer and not.
    Can this be a limited edition? Certainly, it may be very rare. But then how can you determine its value?
  6. Any Jewelry

    Any Jewelry Well-Known Member

    These sets are made in many simple workshops in India.
    There are no limited editions, they just make them when there is a demand for them, either from people who really use these sets or from the tourist industry. I've seen ones like yours before, a lot of them.
    The double-sided ones seem to be more in demand internationally, because they look unusual. The value is the same.
    afantiques, judy and rhiwfield like this.
  7. Chris75

    Chris75 New Member

    I understand, thank you for dealing with me. I just do not understand, is not it, the smaller the supply the higher the value?
    For example, There is a collector, there are 5 kinds of these products, but mine is not yet and you really want it because you see it rare, you would not give it a lot of money to get it?
    Since there are plenty of others that can collect a lot of people, does not start competing to gain this rarity, where no salespiece is found anywhere?
    That's why I do not understand how you write it to the same amount, sorry if I write stupidity :)
  8. springfld.arsenal

    springfld.arsenal Store: http://www.springfieldarsenal.net/

    There are so many of these I'd like to see a collection of many variants. Undoubtedly SOMEONE out there is building a collection. Some collect nutmeg graters, some do large metal ammo cans, so there must be an Indian Carving Set collector out there. I hope he/she finds this thread and gives us a peek at his/her collection. BTW, last time I talked to Lisa she had sold off her collection of large metal military ammo cans. Her day job was decorating cakes at a chain food store. She was a good customer for a few years.
    Last edited: May 27, 2017
    Any Jewelry likes this.
  9. Any Jewelry

    Any Jewelry Well-Known Member

    It is not stupid, Chris, not at all. But if things are rare (which this one is not) it does not automatically mean they are valuable. A thing could be rare because most people want something else.
    As I wrote before, the double-sided ones seem to be more in demand internationally, because they look unusual. That means there is just not that much demand for the single-sided ones.
    And let's face it, they are nice, but they are still being made today. Not meaning to be blunt, but if you want 100 sets like yours, someone in India will make them for you.
    Last edited: May 27, 2017
    BoudiccaJones likes this.
  10. Any Jewelry

    Any Jewelry Well-Known Member

  11. rhiwfield

    rhiwfield Well-Known Member

    Please do not be offended by my post.

    My initial impression of your set is that it is relatively crudely made souvenir ware.

    While it may be different from a two sided set, it is still relatively crudely made souvenir ware.

    As such, I would not attribute any scarcity value to this.
    komokwa, Christmasjoy and Any Jewelry like this.
  12. Chris75

    Chris75 New Member

    Dear Any, you write"As I wrote before, the double-sided ones seem to be more in demand internationally, because they look unusual. That means there is just not that much demand for the single-sided ones." --

    That's what I mean, but I'm writing my own again, there is not a single piece for sale! Not because there is no demand, why not sell, a few of it? It does not matter which one is beautiful anyway.
    Somehow we look at it from another angle, I say less is certain that some people will do a lot. So I put on ebay for $ 499 bidding, after 10 days the truth is revealed.:)
  13. Chris75

    Chris75 New Member

    Anyway, I do not like mine, it's ugly, spacecraft-shaped and very demanding to carry it out, I would not give it a 1 dollar.
    But now I've read 100,000 dollars a day for this ugly old Nintendo game because it's unique, omg ...
    yourturntoloveit likes this.
  14. Chris75

    Chris75 New Member

    I think that you get dressed here is quite different, there are a couple of pieces, but there is no variant of mass production. Millions of these Nintendo have been produced and there are some more special ones that have a very high price for some people. If I make a few pieces of something here, it will still be worthless. The point is, I think, that there is a lot of the main product and some variants are few.

    If we look at this knife fork set, let's say that there are 100,000 pieces made of double-sided, 500 on single-sided, and 50,000 with only knife. Today's 10,000 and 50 pieces of mine and 5,000 are still alive. It's much less common for me, but it does not matter, which one will have a great price? Of course, only a few people will get a lot of people who are collecting and really want to get it. But since they have produced a lot of the others, there will be more collectors.

    Already my wife said the sooner you are stupid, there is not a single piece on the net, it does not cost a dollar :))))
  15. 808 raver

    808 raver Well-Known Member

    As a collector of Indian antiques, I wouldn't say these are very old or valuable going by the poor carving and fake tarnish on the metal ware...sorry :(
    Christmasjoy, Any Jewelry and komokwa like this.
  16. Chris75

    Chris75 New Member

    We know that it is ugly, not original, it is worth nothing to us, that is not the question already ... But there are those collectors who want to obtain it, since this jewel has 5-10 pieces in its wicker, but from this variety There is not yet, and that's what you want to do and fall in love with. Why would not such people be, since it is a mass product and if there are more people, the price will rise because it will be competitive for it.
    Seriously, only I see this so if someone agrees with me I would be happy :) :) But my imagination is too big, it has always been ...
    808 raver likes this.
  17. Any Jewelry

    Any Jewelry Well-Known Member

    Oh dear, you have been having a hard time:(. But it is always good to ask, maybe next time you will have your rare, collectible item;).
    Christmasjoy, rhiwfield and 808 raver like this.
  18. 808 raver

    808 raver Well-Known Member

    What you need to do is keep it for 150 years, then people will pay a fortune :)
  19. komokwa

    komokwa The Truth is out there...!

    not even 200 years will make this pigs ear into a silk purse....
    808 raver likes this.
  20. caroln

    caroln Active Member

    I know this is a really old post but I just happened across this today on ebay and thought it might be useful to someone.
    Any Jewelry likes this.
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