Tall Brass Vase

Discussion in 'Metalware' started by Jack Edwards, Jul 16, 2020.

  1. Jack Edwards

    Jack Edwards Active Member

    Evening everyone,

    I'm hoping someone might be able to tell me more about this Vase, is that's what it's classed as.

    It's approximately 80cm tall, 22cm in diameter and it weighs about 5kg.

    I would love to clean it up and make it look nice but I'm not sure if I've got the tools and don't want to ruin the finish.

    I've not got a clue where this would originate from or how old it might be. I know it's not an antique and probably not vintage but I just don't know, so if anyone can shed any lights it would be appreciated.
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  2. blooey

    blooey Well-Known Member


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