"Toulouse Lautrec" prints

Discussion in 'Art' started by WEM, May 16, 2017.

  1. WEM

    WEM New Member

    These are neat little "Toulouse Lautrec" prints that my mother got from a stall along the Seine in the 1950's. I can't purport these to be real Lautrecs, but the lower left corner of each has a print run ratio, and the lower right says "de Toulouse Lautrec". Unsure of a date please tell me what details you would like better pictures of. anything would help.
    Thanks! Lautrec 1.jpg Lautrec 2.jpg Lautrec 3.jpg Lautrec 1.jpg Lautrec 2.jpg Lautrec 3.jpg
  2. verybrad

    verybrad Well-Known Member

    That does not look like his signature. However, these could be prints issued from his plates posthumously. What is written at the bottom may be the key to finding more out about them.
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