Writing Slope

Discussion in 'Introductions' started by Sonya, Apr 12, 2017.


How old is the Bramah Writing Slope

  1. How much is it worth if I would decide to sell the slope

    2 vote(s)
  2. Where in London could I sell it

    0 vote(s)
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  1. Sonya

    Sonya Munchki

    I have an old Writing Slope manufactured by Bramah in London. I believe it would be classified as an antique. Would anyone know where I could sell it. Leaving for London
    at the end of the month. I suppose I would take it along.
    Anyone know how old it is. Thanks for all the efforts and have a swell day.

    Attached Files:

  2. afantiques

    afantiques Well-Known Member

    It is a good quality late 19th C example. Do you have the key? Shame it is missing the inkwells,etc. If it has a Bramah lock that is a plus.

    The writing slope market is down right now, they do not fetch as moch as they did ten years ago. Without the key I'd put an auction estimate on that of £80 to £120, a bit more if it has a Bramah lock and key. From your language I assume you are coming from the USA. It would probably sell there as well or better than in Britain.
    Joshua Brown and Aquitaine like this.
  3. Sonya

    Sonya Munchki

    Thank you for your Information and you are absolutely right...the famous key is missing and yes the lock is from Bramah and yes unfortunately the inkwells are also missing. So did I understand this correctly, Bramah did not produce the writing slope, it is just an English fancy lock producer. I am not a Yanky I am a Canadian gal living in Bern, Switzerland. As I mentioned I thought of taking the writing slope to England to sell. Well again thanks for your input, very kind of you.
    Joshua Brown likes this.
  4. Sonya

    Sonya Munchki

    I think the slope is French in this case. There is a gold insignia, however can't read it.
    Joshua Brown likes this.
  5. Bakersgma

    Bakersgma Well-Known Member

    Welcome, Sonya!

    If you haven't found them yet, we have at least a couple other threads about writing slopes started by member Shangas from Australia who collects and restores them (right down to the things that were kept inside.) You might enjoy reading them.
  6. Sonya

    Sonya Munchki

    Yes he is amazing, I saw his new (old) key he filed thanks for your lead
    Joshua Brown, Aquitaine and komokwa like this.
  7. KingofThings

    KingofThings 'Illiteracy is a terrible thing to waist' - MHH

    Please always use the full image button for your photos. :)
    Thank you. :)
    Joshua Brown likes this.
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