Featured Is Everything But The House (EBTH.com) Legitimate?

Discussion in 'Antique Discussion' started by Patrick Barr, Jul 11, 2015.


Is EBTH Legitimate?

  1. Yes

    6 vote(s)
  2. No

    8 vote(s)
  1. Theresa Y

    Theresa Y New Member

    I also lost two items recently price range $400 - $500. One is a crystal mouse figure. Both items are very popular. The truth is that both items have never shipping out since they never had a tracking number from the beginning. I believe it's an insider's trick if they also like the item.
  2. Theresa Y

    Theresa Y New Member

  3. Theresa Y

    Theresa Y New Member

    KingofThings likes this.
  4. KingofThings

    KingofThings 'Illiteracy is a terrible thing to waist' - MHH

  5. Mayberryfan

    Mayberryfan New Member

    My respect of EBTH has diminished with each purchase. From chipped pieces that were flawless in photos (and hefty packing/shipping fees) to items missing for a month at a time until repeated calls. The last problem was the last straw. I bid on a much less than perfect outdoor table and chairs and when checking shipping, saw that it was "Free" so bought it. I was then unable to check out for 3 days until finally, shipping was calculated to be over $350. I called and explained and was told it was a shame I didn't have proof. Oh but I did. After sending a screenshot of the "Free" shipping my options were forfeit the item (and my money!) or pay for shipping. I forfeited. And learned my lesson!
    antidiem likes this.
  6. komokwa

    komokwa The Truth is out there...!

    by the way you describe earlier transactions.....i would have thought the learned lesson would have been earlier ..and less expensive.
  7. antidiem

    antidiem Well-Known Member

    I really like your latest avatar, Komo.

    Got artist's id? :happy:
    Aquitaine likes this.
  8. komokwa

    komokwa The Truth is out there...!

    Chief Beau Dick..
    Aquitaine and antidiem like this.
  9. Aquitaine

    Aquitaine Is What It IS! But NEVER BORED!

    HOW can an auction house possibly stay in business with even just the comments here.....this is just one site.....there HAS to be MEGA OTHERS saying the same thing??????? UN-FREAKING-BELIEVABLE!!!!!!!
  10. antidiem

    antidiem Well-Known Member

    I know, Aquitaine, it seems unbelievable to me too.
  11. Mansons2005

    Mansons2005 Nasty by Nature, Curmudgeon by Choice

    They are NOT an auction house per se. There is a "mother company " (in Cincinnati?) that sells franchises in different cities around the country. If we had more information we could probably figure out which operations have the most issues. It may be that the complaints are all about a single city franchise and that all of the others are doing things the correct way...................

    I have worked for similar companies in the past, Door-toDoor Auctions and I-Sold-It for example, and almost worked for EBTH.....................
  12. antidiem

    antidiem Well-Known Member

    No, way back when I checked into them, there were complaints from numerous franchises in different places. I stopped checking into them quickly!
  13. Lkh57

    Lkh57 New Member

    I've been buying from EBTH for more than a year now, in the Cincinnati area, and here are a few, what I hope will be, helpful hints to a successful purchase and a happy buyer.

    1. ONLY buy items that you can pick up, yes their shipping fees are unexplainable ( I once got a shipping estimate for 75.00 for some 4.00 vintage valentines cards....what?)
    2. If there is something that you see and would like to bid on, google the item first and see if it's on another website for cheaper. I know this seems like common sense, but I can't tell you how many times people just keep on bidding for things that aren't worth it.
    3. This company does NOT employ appraisers or experts in things that they are selling, though they state with gems, that they have been certified with a person that does that sort of thing. ( I bid on and won a grandfather clock from them that was listed as "working at time of listing" for 150.00. Well, 500.00 later it's working. The weights had been taped together in a storage unit for so long, that the adhesive still won't come off so I have no idea how they could possibly have tested it and the mechanism was listed as a certain kind... nope. When the clock repair guy came to the house, and after I told him what it was supposed to be, his first words were "did you buy this from EBTH?" I just figured the clock was desperate for a good home and coughed up the cash)
    4. Every auction is a risk...well, maybe not Christie's, but most are, even when you can see the items first hand
    5. Should you get a sh*t deal from them, go ahead and make and win (a small bid ) on something else that you can pick up, and when you get there casually mention to the person verifying your purchase loud enough for others to hear, that the last purchase you made wasn't exactly as described i.e broken, missing piece etc. See above mentioned clock. I haven't gotten a bad item since
    Figtree3 likes this.
  14. Vigilant2

    Vigilant2 New Member

    When I was contacted via LinkedIn by the founder to potentially be their contact in a particular location, my Scam-dar went off. He did not seem at all knowledgeable but wanted entre to my contacts in the region as an antique dealer with great visibility. He also noted my previous business in Marketing and PR. I politely declined.

    Today I contacted them by phone to inquire as to whether or not there was a "reserve"on items as, at the suggestion of a colleague, I contemplated using them, to disperse the remains of legitimate minor antiques in a warehouse consolidation. The agent had no idea what a reserve was and was busily chatting with her co worker.
    Well folks, coupled with the remarks here, YOU HAVE THE ANSWER.......MAJORLY ILLEGITiMATE!
  15. Elizabeth English

    Elizabeth English New Member

    I would like to read a review about EBTH from a seller. I am considering consigning some of my collectibles, Native American items, artworks & antiques with them. The main thing that concerns me about this company is that there is no reserve on pricing. Say you know your item's market value is $500, but the winning bid is $100 (for example), you are stuck with getting only 60% of the $100 bid for a $500 value item. Also, the items are only available for auction for 7 days, and if not sold, they say they donate them to Goodwill, or whatever. But I would want the item back if not sold. In any case, the EBTH rep today said that the items remain with you at your home or business until sold, not at any EBTH location, so saying that they donate them doesn't make sense to me.
    Joshua Brown likes this.
  16. Elizabeth English

    Elizabeth English New Member

    I would like to read a review about EBTH from a seller. I am considering consigning some of my collectibles, Native American items, artworks & antiques with them. The main thing that concerns me about this company is that there is no reserve on pricing. Say you know your item's market value is $500, but the winning bid is $100 (for example), you are stuck with getting only 60% of the $100 bid for a $500 value item. Also, the items are only available for auction for 7 days, and if not sold, they say they donate them to Goodwill, or whatever. But I would want the item back if not sold. In any case, the EBTH rep today said that the items remain with you at your home or business until sold, not at any EBTH location, so saying that they donate them doesn't make sense to me.
    Joshua Brown likes this.
  17. komokwa

    komokwa The Truth is out there...!

    With 74 posts here, certainly that can give you an idea of the firms credentials.
    Any good NA items , should be able to find a home elsewhere...at a more trusted location.
    cxgirl and Joshua Brown like this.
  18. bercrystal

    bercrystal Well-Known Member

    I'm with komokwa. There are too many reputable auction houses that either deal exclusively with this type item or who have specialty auctions once or twice a year. If I had this type item I would be looking into something like that instead of this firm. JMHO.
    komokwa likes this.
  19. paulaweiss1

    paulaweiss1 New Member

    EBTH used to be very accurate in checking and describing items. The last 4 items purchased, were significantly and obviously broken in several spots but marked "Condition: Good" precluding any type of gifting or resale. Customer service is not at all helpful, and really not very nice at all! Just lost total trust in this company! I will be closing my account.
  20. paulaweiss1

    paulaweiss1 New Member

    EBTH used to be very accurate in checking and describing items. The last 4 items purchased, were significantly and obviously broken in several spots but marked "Condition: Good" precluding any type of gifting or resale. Customer service is not at all helpful, and really not very nice at all! Just lost total trust in this company! I will be closing my account.
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