Help Identifying SOme Paintings/Drawings

Discussion in 'Art' started by jba87, Apr 5, 2017.

  1. jba87

    jba87 New Member

  2. jba87

    jba87 New Member

    I primarily need help reading the signatures and titles
    Joshua Brown likes this.
  3. Any Jewelry

    Any Jewelry Well-Known Member

    Don't know about the signatures, but 'epreuve d'artiste' means artist's proof, 'vision stellaire' means stellar vision, and print 4 is of the Doge's Palace in Venice.
    Others will be along who will know more about the signatures and artists.
  4. mp.kunst

    mp.kunst Member

    Print number 4 is a color lithograph made by Jean Carzou.
  5. mp.kunst

    mp.kunst Member

    Number 1 is a color intaglio made by Pervez Captain
    The title is Peacock feather
  6. mp.kunst

    mp.kunst Member

    Number 2 is an etching made by THOMAS CORNELL in 1959.
    The title is Monkey.
  7. jba87

    jba87 New Member

    Thanks. Anyone know what these might be worth or would be interested in purchasing ?
  8. komokwa

    komokwa The Truth is out there...!

    Pardon Sir...but for any talk of transactions there is a SELL forum at the bottom of the Forums page.
    Should you wish to conduct business.....that's the place !
    judy likes this.
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