Please help with this etching?

Discussion in 'Art' started by CGB_Spender, Mar 29, 2017.

  1. CGB_Spender

    CGB_Spender Member

    Hello Everybody,

    I hope all is well. I picked up this piece some years ago purely because I liked it. I paid $2 for it and the glass was cracked so I removed it. I packed it away safely and have just unpacked it since I have moved house. It has a signature and possibly a title on it and a number marking in the bottom right corner. I am only sure of two things, 1: I think it is of a Dutch building and 2: I like it.

    Any further information would be awesome, or maybe someone knows the name or what the numbers mean. I dont think it has any great age and seems to be signed in lead pencil. Thanks in advance and please enjoy this picture.

    IMG_1611.JPG IMG_1614.JPG IMG_1612.JPG IMG_1613.JPG

    Thanks for looking and take care from Australia!

    judy likes this.
  2. desperate_fun

    desperate_fun Irregular Member

  3. Any Jewelry

    Any Jewelry Well-Known Member

    Very nice Jason.
    desperate, you just beat me to it. Leeuwarden is in the province of Friesland, in the north of The Netherlands.
    CGB_Spender and yourturntoloveit like this.
  4. verybrad

    verybrad Well-Known Member

    Recognized it instantly. One of the few places I have been across the pond. ..... Now, if we could decipher that signature :rolleyes:
    CGB_Spender likes this.
  5. CGB_Spender

    CGB_Spender Member

    Thanks for the landmark identification Desperate and AJ. Now that you have told me the name I can clearly see that is what one of the markings written on it says.

    That must have been an amazing trip Brad, from the pictures I just looked seems a very interesting place.

    I think deciphering that signature is going to be some hard work...All I can say is that it looks to begin with "V.A.....".

    Thanks for the input guys! I love learning about these kinds things and your time and effort is greatly appreciated.

    Take care from Australia!

  6. benbenny007

    benbenny007 I buy rubbish, and sell antiques

    Not sure but the monogram with the number 32 could be his initials.
    il or tl? Could also be other way around. Maybe that's a start.?
    CGB_Spender likes this.
  7. CGB_Spender

    CGB_Spender Member

    Thanks for the lead Benny. I never thought it could possibly be part of his initials. I thought maybe the prints were numbered, and this happened to be number 32. Thank-you for the idea, it gives me more to look into.
  8. benbenny007

    benbenny007 I buy rubbish, and sell antiques

    Don't think they would etch the numbering in the plates because they can than use it only 1 time which does not make sense. Think the numbers refers to the year 32. Wait for others to confirm. Good luck
    Last edited: Mar 30, 2017
    CGB_Spender likes this.
  9. Antiquer

    Antiquer Member

    Indeed! Fairly sure the number 32 points to the year and not the edition and that and the symbols around the number are letters, so also fairly that it is a monogram/signature (many artists engraved their monogram or signature in their works so that they were insured that their signature always stayed on the work, even if they would trim or frame away their signature in pencil). If it was a numbering than most of the time this would be written down in pencil and it would also tell you which edition it is. For example 43/50 (print number 43 of an edition of only 50 pieces), yours is maybe a one-of or a open edition (depends how much the artist respected himself).
    CGB_Spender likes this.
  10. CGB_Spender

    CGB_Spender Member

    Thank-you Antiquer and Benny, you both make excellent points. It makes much more sense for this to be a monogram and a year rather than a numbered art work. Thank-you for teaching me something new, this is exactly why I am enjoying this board so much. Nice people with great knowledge. If it is a year, at a guess I would 1932, it does not seem to be old enough to be 1832...but I have been wrong before.

    Thanks again guys and I will keep searching the internet to find a similar signature.

    Take care from Australia!

  11. verybrad

    verybrad Well-Known Member

    Maybe V. Hernke or V. Hernky?
    CGB_Spender likes this.
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