help in description of a print work by Marius Girard

Discussion in 'Art' started by TT Antique, Mar 16, 2017.

  1. TT Antique

    TT Antique Well-Known Member

    Hi All
    I have a vintage "print" by a french artist called Maruis Girard. He was a prolific artist in the 1950s-60s paris mostly working in watercoulours. I read he made a good fortune from beautiful prints and postcards of his works. Confusions abound in describing his prints on the internet. I have not come to any resource referring him being a printmaker. But I am not sure. Hence I am assuming the prints and repors based on his original watercolour and oil paintings were made in printing houses in huge numbers.But as the prints from the presses used lithograph methods some have described the prints "lithograph" prints , "watercolour prints using lithography" etc..but such descriptions could be misleading.Furthermore the signature and title seem to resemble pencil writings (luring some to claim pencil signature) ...but actually the signatures are prints within the lithos. I have attached one vintage printwork. How can one describe such a print accurately? The word "lithograph print " might wrongly suggest "original lithograph print" hence can one say " photomechanical lithograph print?"..also is " watercolor print" accurate? The prints are based on original watercolour paintings.
    Any ideas for better description are welcome.Also any further info on the artist.

    DSCN9798.JPG DSCN9799.JPG DSCN9800.JPG
  2. Figtree3

    Figtree3 What would you do if you weren't afraid?

    judy likes this.
  3. moreotherstuff

    moreotherstuff Izorizent

    If you are satisfied that it is a reproduction, then just call it a lithographic reproduction of a painting.
    judy likes this.
  4. TT Antique

    TT Antique Well-Known Member

    Thanks Figtree..yeah I came across it ,it is useful.
    Thanks Moreotherstuff that is a good suggestion for a fair and precise description.
    judy likes this.
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