Are these Dutch perhaps?

Discussion in 'Art' started by skerry, Mar 15, 2017.

  1. antidiem

    antidiem Well-Known Member

    Thank you for your thoughts AJ.

    Fakers abound, but I doubt this is the case with these..

    That is why I used the word, "may", as in "may be able to date them"..
  2. afantiques

    afantiques Well-Known Member

    These boards remind me strongly of some repro antique paintings from the far east that were quite common around 15 to 20 years ago. They were of such Dutch school scenes, in fancy rococo gilt frames, backed with stuck down paper that had been given an aged appearance. Around the same time there was a flood of English school farmyard scenes on canvas with faked artist supply and framers labels o the back. They were reasonably convincing seen in isolation and popped up at salerooms all over the place.

    The big eye opener was the Newark antiques fair where these were being wholesaled to the trade. It was very easy when looking at dozens of the pictures, to identify the characteristics that betrayed the origin. The frames and paper backiings were the feature that geve them away by even a distant look.

    I have not seen any around lately so it may be that once everyone knew what to look for sales of them stopped.

    I think these may be the remnants of this jiggery pokery minus the frames and backing. A bundle of them all together is suspect in itself. That they cost relatively little may mean any other buyers knew just what they were looking at.

    It is always worth examining the offerings of the repro sellers at Newark to see what is going to arrive in a saleroom or shop near you sooner or later.

    Buying up the latest imported fakes and scattering them in the hundreds of local auction rooms in Britain is a long lasting tradition, and I cannot claim to have never been fooled by some item, only to see another one in a different sale a week or two later.
  3. skerry

    skerry Active Member

    Well that is certainly insightful AF and thank you for taking the time to explain the repro situation at Newark Fair because ironically I am going to Newark for the first time this year.

    If these are repro's then I have to say that they are very good, I have looked them over and over in my hand and they fooled me if that is the case. It comes back to that old adage of buyer beware then. Having said that I really do like them and for the money I paid I am happy with them. I was in a high street shop the other day and they were charging the same money for a horrible brand new print of a lion, I know which I like better :D

    I have only posted on here for a short time but have already learnt things that will hopefully stand me in good stead for any future buying, so thank you once again for all the information everyone.
    antidiem, Bakersgma and judy like this.
  4. antidiem

    antidiem Well-Known Member


    Thanks AF :cat:
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