Featured Finds Thread

Discussion in 'Antique Discussion' started by verybrad, May 25, 2014.

  1. bercrystal

    bercrystal Well-Known Member

    Yeah someone found something good!!! :wideyed::wideyed::woot::woot::woot::woot::woot::woot::woot:

    Very pretty Marie!!!! :happy::happy::happy:
    Christmasjoy likes this.
  2. kentworld

    kentworld Well-Known Member

    Not a find, but someone asked me to post some jade jewellery that I have on FB, so I thought I’d post them here for fun. It was my mother’s and I don’t know when she got it. I had the earrings changed from clip to pierced a decades ago. The ring isn’t part of the set, but it is my favourite piece. 1940s/50s?


  3. Barn Owl

    Barn Owl Well-Known Member

    Still social distancing and avoiding going to the thrift store, but I found this nice imperial Russian 84 silver double-hinged cheroot case online for $75. I've been wanting a niello one for a while, but this is nice too, and it will be the perfect size for the business cards I plan to get printed for my Etsy store.
    s-l1600 (5).jpg
  4. kristiaan

    kristiaan Well-Known Member

    Still no flea markets over here, so we check all internet possibility's, FB included...
    And drive 100 km to get some stuff. Lucky it is cheap.
  5. Houseful

    Houseful Well-Known Member

    Old finds and I’ve just found them again:)
    1970s80s Gucci pendant may not be genuine. Car boot purchase.
    The other is a 1970s Kultaseppa Salovaara Finnish silver necklace which I bought for a £1 at an antiques fair in the 80s. The vendor didn’t know who the maker was neither did I and I bought it because it was cheap.
    C132DEFB-6C70-41B7-9253-A09E9E29ADA8.jpeg 308C817E-596E-4668-A79C-7C4CCCA5DA62.jpeg 953319BB-E34D-44F0-8C27-4BFCC9FCB1F8.jpeg
  6. evelyb30

    evelyb30 Well-Known Member

    Nice score! Finnish silver for a whopping pound. Even in the 80s that was cheap. I just got into an antique store and got some stuff in the mail. I need to work up my nerve and handle the plastic it's packed in so I can take pictures.
    Houseful likes this.
  7. Houseful

    Houseful Well-Known Member

    Here’s more old finds, some stuff set aside because it was broken. The Amber seems to have been used even with this fault line, pin is missing but I think I will get a silver attachment to make it a pendant, same treatment for the blue john set in base metal. Green agate slice set in silver.
    I knew I had another agate bullseye somewhere @KSW, I just couldn’t find it when you got yours!
    2230FD1C-5D7C-4518-8F3B-74935218B0AC.jpeg 1F4B212E-FE65-4E40-A6A0-3B7B75071C8F.jpeg 645CE1C9-A7F1-4264-B016-7D7578A01033.jpeg 17FDB10D-0AF8-4A95-B6DF-9BA1AE12D7F7.jpeg
  8. Debora

    Debora Well-Known Member

    Don't know if your GUCCI necklace is genuine but... The brand starting using the combination of ® + brand name + Made in Italy in the 1990s. The lobster claw clasp is unlikely to be earlier too.

    Houseful and Bronwen like this.
  9. Houseful

    Houseful Well-Known Member

    Thank you Debora. I shall test it at some time. It does have a serial number next to the 925 which is a good sign but I’m always wary of designer items.
    Christmasjoy likes this.
  10. Houseful

    Houseful Well-Known Member

    More old finds. The amethyst needs re stringing.
  11. evelyb30

    evelyb30 Well-Known Member

    Oddly the amethysts look to be the most recent stringing.
    Houseful likes this.
  12. Marie Forjan

    Marie Forjan Well-Known Member

    OK, it's not an antique, it's not collectable, but I've wanted one...


    Last year a friend built a screech owl house for us. We got no takers last year but last night at dusk there he was looking at me from the hole in the house :):):)
  13. kyratango

    kyratango Bug jewellery addiction!

    Haha! He looks :vamp: ;):joyful:
    Lovely to finally have an occupant:)
    Aquitaine, Bronwen and Darkwing Manor like this.
  14. johnnycb09

    johnnycb09 Well-Known Member

    Thats some serious Side Eye !
    Aquitaine, komokwa, Bronwen and 2 others like this.
  15. evelyb30

    evelyb30 Well-Known Member

    That owl is saying "I HATE peeping toms!" I've heard owls here, but only saw one once ...I think. It was just shy of dark and could have been a hawk. One of those was in the road in front of my car on Tuesday. Took off about 20 feet (about 9M) ahead of me.
    Bronwen and Darkwing Manor like this.
  16. Darkwing Manor

    Darkwing Manor Well-Known Member

    Cautionary tale- NEVER post a barn owl box by your bedroom window. I thought it would be sweet to hear the gentle hoot-hoot as I was falling asleep every night. Come to find their call is not a hoot (as in horned owl) but a cross between a chorus of harpys with an accompaniment of an angry banshee with bronchitis.
  17. Darkwing Manor

    Darkwing Manor Well-Known Member

    I love that piratey chair! The lions remind me of RJ Horner but I can't find any exact matches.
    lloyd249 and kristiaan like this.
  18. evelyb30

    evelyb30 Well-Known Member

    I liked that seriously knackered one too. It's just begging for some leather and fresh nails.
    kristiaan likes this.
  19. kristiaan

    kristiaan Well-Known Member

    That style is pretty commoun over here.
    It is called "Mechels", name after the city Mechelen, that was big in furniture in the old days up to the early '70 ties.
  20. Lucille.b

    Lucille.b Well-Known Member

    Nice finds all.

    Finally braved the reopened GW. Masks required which is good. Was fun to be in there, entire store was packed w/merchandise but nothing of interest. For some reason prices were up, and GW cut all of their tag discounts, kind of a drag for those of use who like to see a healthy turnover in merchandise. Between that update and fewer customers (local university being online) lots of stuff sitting unsold week after week. I had little hope of finding anything, especially since as I was walking in I saw two dealers walking out empty handed.

    Was just about to give up when I almost knocked over a lamp on the floor....covered with 4 unrelated lamp shades. Having nicely cleaned things out of my ping pong room storage, I'm trying not to get LARGE items so I really struggled, was this worth getting? Looked it over and all I could see was a gold label, completely worn off. Kept deciding when finally with a tilt of light I made 3 letters, "Fre..."

    Wait a minute... Frederick Cooper ! Once home in perfect light, confirmed.


    Last edited: May 29, 2020
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