Hi I live in Tennessee I'm new to antiques and am eager to learn more i love old military stuff. My great-grandparents recently left me and my siblings a decent amount of antiques trying to learn of their value and age
Hello Bfoster508. Welcome. This site is addicting! When you're ready, post your pictures.....choose LARGE..... That's King's mantra, and it's a good one because newbies know in advance which size to chose.
Welcome Bfoster508, we don't get a terrible amount of Militaria here but that doesn't mean that their is not knowledge of the subject and their always a good story behind Militaria which makes it fun to research. I don't specifically collect Militaria but... somehow it always finds it's way to me; Most of the stuff I have is WWI and WWII. What period Militaria do you collect (if you have a specific period)?
@BFOSTER508 I see that you have loaded a number of pictures of a Devon "Motto Ware" piece to the Gallery, but have not started a thread about it in any of the Forums. You would be better served (by getting more eyes on your pictures in a more "discussion-friendly" location) by starting a thread about it in the Pottery Glass and Porcelain Forum. You can attach your Gallery pictures to your opening post by using the "Embed Media" icon (the little camera in the Reply toolbar) so folks can see what you're asking about.