Keen Cutter Lock, Authentic or repop

Discussion in 'Metalware' started by SeaGoat, Mar 3, 2017.

  1. SeaGoat

    SeaGoat Well-Known Member

    Bought this lock today in a bundle deal, no key...

    Yall think it's real or repop?

    KingofThings and Joshua Brown like this.
  2. Joshua Brown

    Joshua Brown Decently-Known-Member

    I'm not sure but this appears to be made out of iron and the originals I belive are brass, so I'm guessing Reproduction.
    KingofThings likes this.
  3. Steersman

    Steersman Well-Known Member

    Didya check the material with a magnet?

    Actually it looks correct, comparing it to the real & repros in the Heuring KK guide. His repros shown have the E.C. Simmons mark on the body, not the shackle. The repros have barrel keys (the kind with the pin in the center.) Also looks like the center has been drilled out.
    SeaGoat and Joshua Brown like this.
  4. terry5732

    terry5732 Well-Known Member

    The back hole is for centering the key as you turn it. The hole should go all the way through like this.
    keys 023.JPG keys 026.JPG
    KingofThings likes this.
  5. SeaGoat

    SeaGoat Well-Known Member

    I dont have a magnet around to test it..

    I think it may be right due to the slanted lettering, but I don't know.
    KingofThings likes this.
  6. terry5732

    terry5732 Well-Known Member

    I just looked through completed on feebay. All the real ones were in the lowest sold prices. The fakes sell the highest. 90% of the completed were Chinese or Indian.
    KingofThings likes this.
  7. SeaGoat

    SeaGoat Well-Known Member

    That's odd :bored:
    KingofThings likes this.
  8. Steersman

    Steersman Well-Known Member

    That skeleton key does not go to the padlock. It is a door lock key. The padlocks used a flat key.

    The red background color is correct. Still need to know if it is brass. It sorta looks like a brass lock that was kept with a bunch of steel ones.
    judy and KingofThings like this.
  9. Steersman

    Steersman Well-Known Member

    Ooops, double posted......
    KingofThings likes this.
  10. springfld.arsenal

    springfld.arsenal Store:

  11. Steersman

    Steersman Well-Known Member

    Seeing that I'm somewhat inclined to agree. The Heuring guide is from 2000. I've had the older fakes with barrel keys. They were also enough cruder to make a difference. I'm, guessing it's likely the fakers are getting better.
  12. SeaGoat

    SeaGoat Well-Known Member

    It looks like the original #4 to me?
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