Help to find out what period is this sofa

Discussion in 'Furniture' started by Manu, Feb 15, 2017.

  1. Manu

    Manu New Member




    I am redoing the springs. Cloth material is in decent shape. Filling is mostly straw. Would like to know the period of this chair and maker if possible
    Last edited: Feb 15, 2017
  2. Rayo56

    Rayo56 Well-Known Member

    Can we get a picture of the entire chair? Front & back, maybe under neath too
  3. Manu

    Manu New Member

    IMG_0357.JPG IMG_0358.JPG IMG_0359.JPG IMG_0360.JPG
  4. Manu

    Manu New Member

    Have included photos with the filling which is straw covered in burlap. The backrest is the same material. Did not remove it but you can feel the straw filling
  5. Rayo56

    Rayo56 Well-Known Member

    Oh - so it's like a Loveseat or Settee. My parents have one I think from early to semi-late 1800's.
    I would have it cleaned up and reupholstered.
    Would make a really nice piece.
  6. Manu

    Manu New Member

    Tks. I will reuse the original material as it is in good condition. Lots of work to redo the sagging seat.
  7. verybrad

    verybrad Well-Known Member

    This is an odd one. I do think Victorian and probably 3rd quarter of the 19th century. Any provenance? I am thinking maybe English.
  8. Manu

    Manu New Member

    Tks. for your reply. Yes, for what I've seen it could be Victorian probably late 1800s although I am not an expert. No history. Purchased at a roadside "junk" store.
    Most likely European as the place where I am, furniture, ceiling and wall lamps etc were brought from England, France and Italy in the late 1800s and early 1900s.
    Once the springs are properly tied up I will reuse the burlap and straw that came with it ( minor reinforcement needed). A lot of work but will remain as original as possible. The seat fabric has two minor defects but still in good condition.
  9. fahraynk

    fahraynk New Member

    Similar to a Louise XVl style sofa maybe second empire

    Its similar. I know second empire also has a lot of those column like things on the side as decoration on dressers ect. But the feet are off, also the arms extend similarly but yours go straight down... The pic above probably made before invention of spring though.
  10. Manu

    Manu New Member

    Very nice. interesting similarities. Seen very few Victorians with similar columns. Wish they had placed markings somewhere in the frame.

    PACKRAT Well-Known Member

    Very nice piece Manu but I would highly recommend that you use new padding. Straw, horsehair etc. are mould and vermin attractors and do not stand up as well as the new stuff. If the seat cloth is good it could be reused. Be careful stretching old fabric. Just my thoughts.
  12. Manu

    Manu New Member

    Finally managed to finish the project. I'm not a profesional but the sofa is now firm and confortable and I'm pleased with the overall task. Estimate about 30 hours of work. Lots of staples/nails to remove. The fabric held very well when stretched. Tying the springs took a lot of time. Now is usable and should last a few more years. Tks for all comments/advice. IMG_0384.JPG
    Figtree3, LIbraryLady, cxgirl and 3 others like this.
  13. SBSVC

    SBSVC Well-Known Member

    Wow, Manu! Congrats on a lovely job!
  14. judy

    judy Well-Known Member

    Another WOW!!
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