German Hobo oil paintings artist signature/mark ID?

Discussion in 'Art' started by Jay D, Feb 24, 2017.

  1. Jay D

    Jay D New Member

    Oil paintings on canvas from 1950 Germany. I'm looking for any information on the artists' ID. Signature is more of a "mark" than proper name. Are there any other known works similar to these? Hobo puppet show.jpg Hobo sig.1.jpg Hobo dancing.jpg Hobo sig 2.jpg Hobo no shoes.jpg Hobo sig 3.jpg Hobo puppet show.jpg Hobo sig.1.jpg Hobo dancing.jpg Hobo sig 2.jpg Hobo no shoes.jpg Hobo sig 3.jpg Hobo bench.jpg
    leeddie likes this.
  2. leeddie

    leeddie Well-Known Member

    Really neat pieces. The monogram on 2 of them appear to read JEA or a combo of those initials, however, the one appears to be JAL. I hope someone recognizes the artist for you. Good luck.
  3. Jay D

    Jay D New Member

    thank you
  4. Aquitaine

    Aquitaine Is What It IS! But NEVER BORED!

    Interesting pictures! They kind of look like Irish fellas...all done on what looks to be canvas board......the next to last image looks more (to ME!) like it might be combining 4 letters......JFAL.....BWDIK!!!!! Hope you can get some good info on them:cool::cool:

    Edit: But then you did state they were German.......sorry....
    Jay D likes this.
  5. moreotherstuff

    moreotherstuff Izorizent

    They looked naive to me - an untrained artist, but someone who persisted in what they were doing.
    Jivvy and Jay D like this.
  6. Jay D

    Jay D New Member

    I guess thats why I'll be a good fit in this group ( or the one y'all wishes would lose internet) because I'm the King of finding Unique stuff. With today's online society, you would think anything can be found on the net. I have spent hours on top of hours looking for paintings that are the same genre as these. I can't find anything from the same planet much less genre. I am open and thankful for anyone that can point me to some that are similar. Thanks for the input
  7. Jay D

    Jay D New Member

    I totally agree. I SUCK at golf. I'm the guy people who should just quit playing invite to play with them so they can look like Jack Nicholas. But I persist. But...there are a few courses where I am known. I may be known as " Not that guy AGAIN" but I am known none the less. I appreciate your comments
  8. Debora

    Debora Well-Known Member

    Okay, I'll ask the obvious... How do you know they were painted in Germany (although I can see one of the hand puppets is wearing a World War I German uniform?) How do you know they date from 1950? And, do they have anything on the back? (You'd be surprised how many people forget to mention hand written notations, labels, stickers, etc. on a painting's reverse.)

    Jay D likes this.
  9. komokwa

    komokwa The Truth is out there...!

    I've seen worse looking art....on this site !!

    Suck at golf...take a lesson or two...if you stick with it...must mean you like it !
    Jay D likes this.
  10. komokwa

    komokwa The Truth is out there...!

    just for you JayD.....

    And if for some reason...that's not motivation enough........
    DON'T WATCH THIS..............................;):hilarious::hilarious:

    Jay D likes this.
  11. Jay D

    Jay D New Member

    Family of the soldier that bought them told me he was in Germany for several months and brought them home with him. Early 50's was the only time frame I was given. There are labels on the back of each which are the canvas mfg. and the oil paint mfg. They are still in business today. I will hang a pic on this thread. The artist may have been a one shot wonder but the purchaser was pretty wise in most of other purchases he made that I have seen. Friends of mine that have seen them over the years still ask if I still have the "Troll" paintings. They do seem to grow on you after seeing them. Thank you for the interest and I appreciate any info you can share. hoboPicTag.JPG
    Last edited: Feb 25, 2017
  12. leeddie

    leeddie Well-Known Member

    I think they are neat, no matter the country of origin, if by professional or amateur hand. What matters most is you liked them. Now finding the artist is a whole different kettle of fish. That might be a stinker.
    judy likes this.
  13. Jay D

    Jay D New Member

    You are correct leeddie. Every time someone views them for the first time, they seems to start a conversation. I feel a little uneducated...I can't even say who the artist may be. So anything else I may learn is a blessing.
  14. leeddie

    leeddie Well-Known Member

    You are correct leeddie. Every time someone views them for the first time, they seems to start a conversation. I feel a little uneducated...I can't even say who the artist may be. So anything else I may learn is a blessing.[/QUOTE]
    Jay.. saw this while searching for something else and remembered your paintings. Has the artist name and dates. You can see the rest for yourself.. good luck. Eddie
  15. Jay D

    Jay D New Member

    Jay.. saw this while searching for something else and remembered your paintings. Has the artist name and dates. You can see the rest for yourself.. good luck. Eddie[/QUOTE]
    WOW!!!! Eddie, you are Incredible. Thank you thank you thank you. I had really given up on any info as I have for a long while. hopefully I can return the favor but I have found y'all ( Antiquers ) are really knowledgeable and far more learned than I. Thanks again.
    leeddie and Aquitaine like this.
  16. leeddie

    leeddie Well-Known Member

    WOW!!!! Eddie, you are Incredible. Thank you thank you thank you. I had really given up on any info as I have for a long while. hopefully I can return the favor but I have found y'all ( Antiquers ) are really knowledgeable and far more learned than I. Thanks again.[/QUOTE]
    You're welcomed, Jay. It was a fluke, but glad it happened.
    judy likes this.
  17. Mrs Gillie

    Mrs Gillie New Member

    I am in Germany now and just bought almost the exact same painting, but its on wood and vertical instead of horizontal. The signature is different as are the faces, but it matches.

    Attached Files:

    Fid likes this.
  18. i need help

    i need help Moderator Moderator

    Welcome to the Forum, @Mrs Gillie! :)
    They do look like the same fellows. This is quite an old post, I don’t know if JayD ever found out any more than this. If you like, you can post the signature on yours. :)
    Mrs Gillie likes this.
  19. Fid

    Fid Well-Known Member

    Schmidt-Pfeffer is most probably the guy who copied it. Kopiert v. = kopiert von. usually they'd use a nach if it was a replica and would write the details on the back.
    Jivvy likes this.
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